Edmunds, M. (2015). Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Ghana: Flabellinidae, Piseinotecidae, Eubranchidae & Embletoniidae. Journal of Conchology. 42(2): 105-124.
Edmunds, M.
Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Ghana: Flabellinidae, Piseinotecidae, Eubranchidae & Embletoniidae
Journal of Conchology
42(2): 105-124
November 2015
This paper describes eight species of aeolid from Ghana, belonging to the families Flabellinidae, Piseinotecidae, Eubranchidae and Embletoniidae. Three of the species are new: Flabellina rubromaxilla n. sp., Eubranchus rubrocerata n. sp. and Piseinotecus minipapilla n. sp., while a fourth, Embletonia species A may be a currently undescribed species. Embletonia pulchra is cosmopolitan in its occurrence, Flabellina albomaculata is also known from Cape Verde, and Piseinotecus sphaeriferus and Eubranchus prietoi are known from some of the East Atlantic Islands and the Mediterranean.