MarBEF Data System
ERMS source details
Round, F.E. ; Crawford, R.M. ; Mann, D.G. (1990). The Diatoms. Biology & Morphology of the genera.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
747 pp.
Round, F.E. ; Crawford, R.M. ; Mann, D.G.
The Diatoms. Biology & Morphology of the genera.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
747 pp.
Full text
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z
Kociolek, John Patrick
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Taxa (48)
Aneumastus stroesei
(Østrup) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula tuscula var. stroesei
Østrup, 1910
(new combination reference)
Aneumastus tuscula
(Ehrenberg) D.G.Mann & A.J.Stickle, 1990 †
accepted as
Navicula tuscula f. tuscula
Ehrenberg, 1840
(new combination reference)
Asterionellopsis glacialis
(Castracane) Round, 1990
accepted as
Asterionella glacialis
Castracane, 1886
(new combination reference)
Asterionellopsis kariana
(Grunow) Round, 1990
accepted as
Asterionella kariana
Grunow, 1880
(new combination reference)
Biremis ambigua
(Cleve) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Pinnularia ambigua var. ambigua
Cleve, 1895
(new combination reference)
Bleakeleya notata
(Grunow) Round, 1990
accepted as
Asterionella bleakeleyi var. notata
Grunow, 1867
(new combination reference)
Cavinula cocconeiformis
(Gregory ex Greville) D.G.Mann & A.J.Stickle, 1990
accepted as
Navicula cocconeiformis f. cocconeiformis
Gregory ex Greville, 1855
(new combination reference)
Cavinula lacustris
(W.Gregory) D.G.Mann & Stickle, 1990
accepted as
Navicula lacustris f. lacustris
Gregory, 1856
(new combination reference)
Cavinula pseudoscutiformis
(Hustedt) D.G.Mann & A.J.Stickle, 1990
accepted as
Navicula pseudoscutiformis
Hustedt, 1930
(new combination reference)
Cavinula variostriata
(Krasske) D.G.Mann & A.J.Stickle, 1990
accepted as
Navicula variostriata var. variostriata
Krasske, 1923
(new combination reference)
Cosmioneis lundstroemii
(Cleve) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula lundstroemii var. lundstroemii
Cleve in Cleve & Grunow, 1880
(new combination reference)
Cosmioneis pusilla
(W.Smith) D.G.Mann & A.J.Stickle, 1990
accepted as
Navicula pusilla f. pusilla
W. Smith, 1853
(new combination reference)
Craticula ambigua
(Ehrenberg) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula ambigua f. ambigua
Ehrenberg, 1843
(new combination reference)
Craticula cuspidata
(Kutzing) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Frustulia cuspidata
Kutzing, 1833
(new combination reference)
Craticula halophila
(Grunow) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula cuspidata var. halophila
Grunow, 1885
(new combination reference)
Encyonema elginense
(Krammer) D.G.Mann, 1990
(new combination reference)
Encyonema lacustre
(C.Agardh) F.W.Mills, 1934
accepted as
Schizonema lacustre
C.Agardh, 1824
(new combination reference)
Encyonema minutum
(Hilse) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Cymbella minuta
Hilse, 1862
(new combination reference)
Encyonema perpusillum
(Cleve) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Cymbella perpusilla
A.Cleve, 1895
(new combination reference)
Encyonema silesiacum
(Bleisch) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Cymbella silesiaca
Bleisch, 1864
(new combination reference)
Fallacia cryptolyra
(Brockmann) Stickle & Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula cryptolyra
Brockmann, 1950
(new combination reference)
Fallacia forcipata
(Greville) Stickle & Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula forcipata f. forcipata
Greville, 1859
(new combination reference)
Fallacia pygmaea
(Kützing) A.J.Stickle & D.G.Mann, 1990
(new combination reference)
Fallacia subhamulata
(Grunow) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula subhamulata var. subhamulata
Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880
(new combination reference)
D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann, 1990
(original description)
Luticola mutica
(Kützing) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula mutica f. mutica
Kützing, 1844
(new combination reference)
Luticola nivalis
(Ehrenberg) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula nivalis var. nivalis
Ehrenberg, 1853
(new combination reference)
Lyrella abrupta
(Gregory) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula lyra var. abrupta
Gregory, 1857
(new combination reference)
Lyrella hennedyi
(W.Smith) Stickle & D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula hennedyii f. hennedyii
W. Smith, 1856
(new combination reference)
Martyana martyi
(Héribaud-Joseph) Round, 1990
accepted as
Opephora martyi f. martyi
Héribaud, 1902
(new combination reference)
Oxyneis binalis
(Ehrenberg) Round, 1990
(new combination reference)
D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann, 1990
(original description)
Petrodictyon gemma
(Ehrenberg) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Surirella gemma f. gemma
Ehrenberg, 1840
(new combination reference)
Petroneis granulata
(Bailey) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula granulata
Bailey, 1854
(new combination reference)
Petroneis humerosa
(Brébisson ex W.Smith) A.J.Stickle & D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula humerosa f. humerosa
Brébisson ex W. Smith, 1856
(new combination reference)
Petroneis latissima
(Gregory) A.J.Stickle & D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula latissima f. latissima
Gregory, 1856
(new combination reference)
Petroneis marina
(Ralfs) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula marina var. marina
Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861
(new combination reference)
Proschkinia longirostris
(Hustedt) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Navicula longirostris var. longirostris
Hustedt, 1925
(new combination reference)
D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann, 1990
(original description)
Psammodictyon constrictum
(Gregory) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Tryblionella constricta
Gregory, 1855
(new combination reference)
D.G. Mann in F.E. Round, R.M. Crawford & D.G. Mann, 1990
(original description)
Staurophora amphioxys
(Gregory) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Stauroneis amphioxys var. amphioxys
Gregory, 1856
(new combination reference)
Staurophora elata
(Hustedt ex Simonsen) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Stauroneis elata
Hustedt, 1987
(new combination reference)
Tryblionella coarctata
(Grunow) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Nitzschia coarctata var. coarctata
Grunow in Cleve & Möller, 1878
(new combination reference)
Tryblionella hungarica
(Grunow) Frenguelli, 1942
accepted as
Nitzschia hungarica f. hungarica
Grunow, 1862
(new combination reference)
Tryblionella littoralis
(Grunow) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Nitzschia littoralis var. littoralis
Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880
(new combination reference)
Tryblionella marginulata
(Grunow) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Nitzschia marginulata f. marginulata
Grunow in Cleve & Möller, 1878
(new combination reference)
Urosolenia eriensis
(H.L.Smith) Round & R.M.Crawford, 1990
accepted as
Rhizosolenia eriensis f. eriensis
H.L. Smith, 1872
(new combination reference)
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