Alas, A., D. Turker & A. Öktener. (2016). Occurrence of Parabrachiella insidiosa (Heller, 1865) and Parabrachiella merluccii (Bassett-Smith, 1896) (Copepoda; Lernaeopodidae) in european hake In Turkey. Annales Series Historia Naturalis (Koper). 26(2):245-252.
Alas, A., D. Turker & A. Öktener
Occurrence of Parabrachiella insidiosa (Heller, 1865) and Parabrachiella merluccii (Bassett-Smith, 1896) (Copepoda; Lernaeopodidae) in european hake In Turkey.
Annales Series Historia Naturalis (Koper)
Available for editors
In this study, Parabrachiella insidiosa (Heller, 1865) and Parabrachiella merluccii (Bassett-Smith, 1896) (Copepoda; Lernaeopodidae) found on gill rakers of European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces; Merlucciidae), are reported for the fİrst time from the area of Turkey. Also, some morphological characters of these parasitic copepods are given using photographs and drawings.