Allman, G.J., 1864d. Notes on the Hydroida. I. Note, supplemental and corrective, to a Synopsis of the genera and species of Tubularian and Campanularian Hydroids, published in the 'Annals and Magazine of Natural History' for May 1864, p. 350. II. The medusa of Zanclea implexa, Alder. Annals and Magazine of natural History (3) 14: 57-64.
Allman, G. J.
Notes on the Hydroida. I. Note, supplemental and corrective, to a Synopsis of the genera and species of Tubularian and Campanularian Hydroids, published in the 'Annals and Magazine of Natural History' for May 1864, p. 350. II. The medusa of Zanclea implexa, Alder