Carus, J.V. (1863). Coelenteraten. In: Handbuch der zoologie. W. C. J. Peters, J. V. Carus and C. E. A. Gerstaecker. Leipzig, W. Engelmann. Bd.2: 518-562.
Carus, J.V.
In: Handbuch der zoologie. W. C. J. Peters, J. V. Carus and C. E. A. Gerstaecker. Leipzig, W. Engelmann. Bd.2: 518-562.
Leipzig. [This paper presents a summary of the more important works on hydroids and a new classification. The author proposes to use, for the medusae, the name of the polyp preceded by the wordt Para. For instance Paracorymorpha in the place of Steenstrupia. The enumeration of species citet in this Handbuch der Zoologie does not present anything of special interest: it has not been used for the lists of synonyms of the various species].