MarBEF Data System

Turbellarians taxon details

Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906

480600  (

Jensenia intermedia · unaccepted
Vortex truncata · unaccepted (Wrong gender of epithet by...)  
Wrong gender of epithet by Örsted (1843) and authors listed under sources.
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
(of ) Müller, O.F. (1789). Zoologia danica, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae rariorum et minus notorum descriptiones et historia vol. III. <em>Havniae.</em>
page(s): 43 [details] OpenAccess publication
Taxonomic remark The specimens described from N. America by Kepner & Gilbert (1931) as a variety (not named) were later considered as...  
Taxonomic remark The specimens described from N. America by Kepner & Gilbert (1931) as a variety (not named) were later considered as belonging to C. pinguis by Hyman (1955) and Luther (1955). [details]
Tyler, S., Artois, T.; Schilling, S.; Hooge, M.; Bush, L.F. (eds) (2006-2024). World List of turbellarian worms: Acoelomorpha, Catenulida, Rhabditophora. Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906. Accessed at: on 2024-11-22
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original description (of Castrella (Castrella) agilis Fuhrmann, 1900) Fuhrmann, O. (1900). Note sur les Turbellariés des environs de Genève. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 7: 717-731, Plate 23.
page(s): 729 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Castrella (Castrella) serotina Dorner, 1902) Dorner, G. (1902). Darstellung der Turbellarienfauna der Binnengewässer Ostpreussens. <em>Schriften der physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg in Pr.</em> 43: 1-58. Taf. 1-2.
page(s): 42 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Vortex intermedius Du Plessis, 1879) Du Plessis, G. (1879). Sur quelques nouveaux Turbellariés de la faune profonde du lac Léman. <em>Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise.</em> 16: 157–160. [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Vortex quadrioculatus Vejdovsky, 1895) Vejdovsky, F. (1895). Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Turbellarien (Zugleiche ein Beitrag zur Turbellarienfauna Bohemens.) I Über die Gattung Opistoma O. Schm. II. Der Geschlechtsapparat der Derostomeen. III. Über zwei Vortex-Arten mit Berücksichtigung deren Geschlechtsorgane. IV. Über die Prorhynchiden Böhmens. V. Zur Kenntnis der Macrostomiden. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 60 (1): 90–163. With 4 plates. [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Vortex millportianus Graff, 1882) Graff, L., von. (1882). Monographie der Turbellarien 1. Rhabdocoelida. <em>[Book].</em> 1-442, Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig., available online at
page(s): 359–360 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of ) Müller, O.F. (1789). Zoologia danica, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae rariorum et minus notorum descriptiones et historia vol. III. <em>Havniae.</em>
page(s): 43 [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Vortex obscurus Plotnikow, 1905) Plotnikow, W. (1905). Uber einige rhabdocöle Turbellarien Sibiriens. <em>Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere.</em> 21: 479–490. 1 plate.
page(s): 487, Fig 14; note: Considered as a species of Vortex, within the subgenus Castrella [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Vortex bologoviensis Plotnikow, 1906) Plotnikow, W. (1906). Zur Kenntniss der Süsswasser-Würmer-Fauna der Umgebung von Bologoje. [In Russian with German summary]. <em>Berichte der biologischen Süsswasserstation der Kaiserlichen Naturforscher-Gesellschaft zu St.-Petersburg [.</em> 2: 1-41. [details] 

taxonomy source Hofsten, N. von. (1910). Zur Synonymik un systematischen Stellung von Castrella truncata (Abildg.). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 35: 652–669. [details] OpenAccess publication

taxonomy source Hofsten, N. v. (1907). Studien über Turbellarien aus dem Berner Oberland. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 85: 391-654. With 5 plates (22–26).
page(s): 538 [details] OpenAccess publication

taxonomy source Kepner, W. A.; Gilbert, C. M. (1931). Observations on a North American variety of Castrella truncata Abildg. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 96:169-177.
note: This "variety" was later identified as C. pinguis by Hyman (1955) and Luther (1955) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

taxonomy source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Fuhrmann, O. (1900). Note sur les Turbellariés des environs de Genève. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 7: 717-731, Plate 23.
page(s): 729; note: Suggests the species could be a species of Castrella, but does not officially places the species within Castrella, and keeps it within Vortex. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Hofsten, N. v. (1911). Neue Beobachtungen ueber die Rhabdocoelen und Alloecoelen der Schweiz. <em>Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala.</em> 1: 1-84. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Luther, A. (1955). Die Dalyelliiden (Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela), eine Monographie. <em>Acta Zoologica Fennica.</em> 87: 1-337.
page(s): 272–281 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Graff, L. von. (1913). Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913]. Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913., 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W], available online at
page(s): 124–125 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Hofsten, N. v. (1912). Revision der schweizerischen Rhabdocölen und Allöocölen. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 20(12): 543–687.
page(s): 621–624, 678 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Ferguson, F. F.; Stirewalt, M. A.; Brown, T. D.; Hayes, W. J. (1939). Studies on the Turbellarian Fauna of the Mountain Lake Biological Station. I. Ecology and distribution. <em>Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.</em> 55: 274-288.
page(s): 275, 277; note: This actually refers to C. pinguis (see Luther, 1955: p. 284) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Ruebush, T.K. (1938). A comparative study of the turbellarian chromosomes. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 122: 321–329.
page(s): 323; note: This actually refers to C. pinguis (see Luther, 1955: p. 284) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

new combination reference Sekera, E. (1906). 11. Über die Verbreitung der Selbstbefruchtung bei den Rhabdocöliden. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 30: 142-153.
page(s): 149; note: As Castrella truncata var. quadrioculata [details] OpenAccess publication

basis of record (of Jensenia intermedia) Luther, A. (1955). Die Dalyelliiden (Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela), eine Monographie. <em>Acta Zoologica Fennica.</em> 87: 1-337.
page(s): 273; note: This name only occurs in the list of synonyms of Castrella truncata in Luther (1955). [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record (of Jensenia millportiana (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1904–1908) Luther, A. (1955). Die Dalyelliiden (Turbellaria Neorhabdocoela), eine Monographie. <em>Acta Zoologica Fennica.</em> 87: 1-337.
page(s): 273; note: This name only occurs in the list of synonyms of Castrella truncata in Luther (1955) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record (of Vortex truncata) Örsted, A. S. (1843). Forsog til en ny Classification af Planarierne (Planariea Dugès) grundet paa mikroskopisk-anatomiske Undersogelser. <em>Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift.</em> 4(8): 519–581., available online at [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Fuhrmann, O. (1894). Die Turbellarien der Umgebung von Basel. Inaugural-Dissertation. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 2: 215-290., available online at
page(s): 265 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex quadrioculatus Vejdovsky, 1895) Brinkmann, A. (1905). Studier over Danmarks rhabdocøle og acøle Turbellarier. <em>Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening i Kjöbenhavn.</em> 1–159. With 5 plates.
page(s): 21, 121, 123, 124 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncata) Graff, L. von. (1875). Neue Mittheilungen über Turbellarien. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 25: 408-424. Plates 27–28.
page(s): 407 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncata) Vejdovsky, F. (1880). Vorläufiger Bericht über die Turbellarien der Brunnen von Prag, nebst Bemerkungen über einige einheimische Arten. <em>Sitzungsberichte der königligen Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag.</em> 8: 501-507., available online at
page(s): 503 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncata) Schmidt, O. (1848). Die rhabdocoelen Strudelwürmer (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) des süssen Wassers. <em>Friedrich Mauke, Jena.</em> 65 p. + 6 plates., available online at
page(s): 28–29 [details] 

additional source (of Vortex millportianus Graff, 1882) Fuhrmann, O. (1900). Note sur les Turbellariés des environs de Genève. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 7: 717-731, Plate 23.
page(s): 729; note: Suggests the species could be a species of Castrella, but does not officially places the species within Castrella, and keeps it within Vortex. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex millportianus Graff, 1882) Markow, M. (1904). Essai sur la faune des Turbellaries dans les gouvernements de Kharkow et de Poltawa. [In Russian] Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes a l'Universite Imperiale de Kharkow. Travaux Soc naturall Univ Imper Kharkow, 39:1-79 (Russian with French).
page(s): 56–57 [details] 

additional source (of Vortex millportianus Graff, 1882) Plotnikow, W. (1900). Zur Kenntnis der Suesswasser-Würmer-Fauna der Umgebung von Bologoje. [Russian and German]. [Arb. (Trudi). d. kais. Ges. d. Naturf. 31 livr. 1. Sitzungsprotokolle für 1900. St. Petersburg 1900. pages 313-319, 340-343.] Trav Soc Imp Natur St. Petersb, 31:313-319 (Russian), 340-343 (German) [details] 

additional source (of Vortex millportianus Graff, 1882) Markow, M. (1903). Zur Turbellarienfauna der Umgebung von Charkow (Südrussland). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 26: 221-223.
page(s): 223 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Graff, L., von. (1882). Monographie der Turbellarien 1. Rhabdocoelida. <em>[Book].</em> 1-442, Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig., available online at
page(s): 358 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Levinsen, G.M.R. (1879). Bidrag til Kundskab om Grønlands Turbellariefauna. <em>Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. i. Kjobenhavn 1879-1880.</em> 165-204. With one table.
page(s): 178 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schmidt, O. (1852). Neue Rhabdocoelen aus dem nordischen und dem Adriatischen Meere. <em>Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.</em> 9: 490–505. With 5 plates.
page(s): 491 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Diesing K.M. (1862). Revision der Turbellarien. Abteilung: Rhabdocoelen. <em>Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.</em> 45: 191–318., available online at
page(s): 226 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schmarda, Ludwig K. (1859). Neue Turbellarien, Rotatorien und Anneliden, Beobachtet und Gesammelt auf einer Reise um die erde 1853 bis 1857. Erster hälfte. <em>[Book].</em> 66 pp, W. Engelmann, Leipzig., available online at
page(s): 6 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Descriptio systematica animalium, Belgii septentrionalis. Adjectis synonymis nec non locis in quibus reperiuntur secundum classificationem Professoris J. Van Der Hoeven disposita. Systematische beschrijving der dieren welke in Noord Nederland of aan deszelfs kusten voorkomen met bijvoeging derzelver synonymen, benevens der plaatsen waar dezelve gevonden zijn, gerangschikt naar Prof. J. van der Hoeven's Handboek der Dierkunde (2de uitgave). <em>Fauna Belgii Septentrionalis Pars I.</em> C.G. van der Hoek: Leyden, Nederland. 234 pp., available online at
page(s): 184 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schorler, B., Thallwitz J. & Schiller K. (1906). Pflanzen- und Tierwelt des Moritzburger Grossteiches bei Dresden. [Flora and fauna of the Moritzburg Grossteich near Dresden.]. <em>Annales de Biologie Lacustre.</em> 1: 193–310.
page(s): 261 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schultze, M. (1851). Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Turbellarien. <em>Greifswald.</em> 78 pp, 7 plates., available online at
page(s): 24, 36, 42 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia serotina (Dorner, 1902) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1909). IV. Turbellaria, Strudelwürmer. I. Teil : Allgemeines und Rhabdocoelida. <em>Brauer Suesswasserfauna Deutschlands H.</em> 19: 59-142.
page(s): 91 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Valkanov, A. (1934). Prinos kum khidrofaunata na Bulgariya (Beitrag zur Hydrofauna Bulgariens). 32pp., 1 map.
page(s): 18 [details] 

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Micoletzky, H. (1911). Zur Kenntnis der Faistenauer Hintersees bei Salzburg, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung faunistischer und fischereilicher Verhältenisse. [On the knowledge of the Faistenauer Hintersee near Salzburg, with special consideration of faunistic and fishing conditions.]. <em>Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie.</em> 3: 506-542, figs. 1-6, pls. 5-8. (i-1911). [in German].
page(s): 520 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex intermedius Du Plessis, 1879) Du Plessis, G. (1884). Rhabdocèles de la faune profonde du Lac Léman. <em>Archives de Zoologie Expérimental et Général.</em> 2: 37–67. With 1 plate.
page(s): 59; note: Author already suggests that it could be a variety of V. truncatus. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia quadrioculata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1909). IV. Turbellaria, Strudelwürmer. I. Teil : Allgemeines und Rhabdocoelida. <em>Brauer Suesswasserfauna Deutschlands H.</em> 19: 59-142.
page(s): 92 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1909). IV. Turbellaria, Strudelwürmer. I. Teil : Allgemeines und Rhabdocoelida. <em>Brauer Suesswasserfauna Deutschlands H.</em> 19: 59-142.
page(s): 91 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Wahl, B. (1910). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Dalyelliiden und Umagilliden. <em>Festschrift für Geheimrat Prof. Richard Hertwig.</em> II: 41–60.
page(s): 43 [details] 

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Eggers, F. (1924). Ueber estländische Dalyelliden. Mit einem Wort zur Artbildungsfrage. <em>Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere.</em> 49: 449–468.
page(s): 450, 458, 463–464 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Whitehead, H. (1913). Some notes on British freshwater Rhabdocoelida - a group of Turbellaria. <em>The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club.</em> Ser. 2, 12(72): 45–56.
page(s): 53 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schmidt, O. (1858). Die Rhabdocoelen Strudelwürmer aus den Umgebungen von Krakau. <em>Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe.</em> 15: 20-46, tab 1-3.
page(s): 3 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Markow, M. (1904). Essai sur la faune des Turbellaries dans les gouvernements de Kharkow et de Poltawa. [In Russian] Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes a l'Universite Imperiale de Kharkow. Travaux Soc naturall Univ Imper Kharkow, 39:1-79 (Russian with French).
page(s): 56–57 [details] 

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schmarda, L. K. (1854). Zur Naturgeschichte Ägyptens. <em>Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe.</em> 7(2): 1-28. With 7 plates.
page(s): 7 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Brinkmann, A. (1905). Studier over Danmarks rhabdocøle og acøle Turbellarier. <em>Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening i Kjöbenhavn.</em> 1–159. With 5 plates.
page(s): 12, 21, 127, 154 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Schmidt, O. (1878). Die niederen Thiere in Brehm's Thierleben 2. Band X. <em>Third edition (1893).</em> 716 pp.
page(s): 150 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Fuhrmann, O. (1897). Recherches sur la faune des lacs alpins du Tessin. [Research on the fauna of the alpine lakes of Ticino.]. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie et annales du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève.</em> 4: 482-543. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Markow, M. (1903). Zur Turbellarienfauna der Umgebung von Charkow (Südrussland). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 26: 221-223.
page(s): 222–223 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) de Man, J.G. (1875). Eerste bijdrage tot de kennis der Nedelandsche zoetwater-turbellarien, benevens eene beschrijving van nieuwe soorten. <em>Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging.</em> 1: 108-123. With three plates.
page(s): 109 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Martin, C. H. (1907). Notes on some Turbellaria from Scottish Lochs. <em>Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.</em> 28(1): 28-34. With two plates. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, C. G. (1837). Zusätze zur Erkenntniss grosser organischer Ausbildung in den kleinsten thierischen Organismen. Abhandlungen der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (für 1835), 151-180, pl.1 [details] 

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Vanhöffen, E. (1897). Ufer- und Grundfauna. <em>Die Fauna und Flora Grönlands. Grönland-Expedition der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 1891-1893 unter Leitung von Erich von Drygalski. Zweiter Band (I). Die Fauna und Flora Grönlands.</em> Zweiter Abschnit. Wirbellose Tiere und Planktonpflanzen. V. Kapittel. pp. 177–253.
page(s): 225 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Czerniavsky, V. (1880). Materialia Ad Zoographiam Ponticam Comparatam. Fasciculum III. Vermes. Class I. Turbellaria Ehrbg. <em>Bulletin de la Societe imperiale des naturalistes de Moscou.</em> 55: 218–278.
page(s): 230–231 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) de Man, J.G. (1875). Overzicht der tot dusverre in de zoete wateren van Europa waargenomen Turbellaria. <em>Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging.</em> 1: 86–107.
page(s): 92 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Vortex emarginatus (Paula-Schrank, 1803) Diesing, 1850) Diesing K.M. (1862). Revision der Turbellarien. Abteilung: Rhabdocoelen. <em>Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.</em> 45: 191–318., available online at
page(s): 229 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Castrella (Castrella) serotina Dorner, 1902) Brinkmann, A. (1905). Studier over Danmarks rhabdocøle og acøle Turbellarier. <em>Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening i Kjöbenhavn.</em> 1–159. With 5 plates.
page(s): 13, 24–27, 126–127, 156 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Castrella (Castrella) quadrioculata (Vejdovsky, 1895) Fuhrmann, 1900) Sekera, E. (1907). Zur Biologie einiger Wiesentümpel. [On the biology of some meadow ponds.]. <em>Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde.</em> 2: 347-354.
page(s): 350 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Castrella (Castrella) quadrioculata (Vejdovsky, 1895) Fuhrmann, 1900) Hofsten, N. von. (1910). Zur Synonymik un systematischen Stellung von Castrella truncata (Abildg.). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 35: 652–669.
page(s): 659; note: Mentions it as "Vortex quadrioculatus", but explicitely states it is a member of Castrella: "...scheinen zwei oder drei ältere "Vortex"-species als selbständige Arten der Gattung Castrella aufrecht ...    
Mentions it as "Vortex quadrioculatus", but explicitely states it is a member of Castrella: "...scheinen zwei oder drei ältere "Vortex"-species als selbständige Arten der Gattung Castrella aufrecht erhalten werden zu können, Nämlich Vortex pinguis, Vortex millportianus und Vortex quadrioculatus."
[details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Dalyellia intermedia (Du Plessis, 1879) Graff, 1905) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2232, 2279, 2565 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Dalyellia millportiana (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905) Ruhl, L. (1927). Zur Kenntnis der Biologie, Fortpflanzung und Regeneration der rhadocoelen Turbellarien. Inaug. Diss. Phil. Fakult. Marburg., 67 p., 11 f. part in Zool. Anz. 72: 160-175 180-190
page(s): 9, 13–36 [details] 

additional source (of Dalyellia truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Graff, 1905) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2279, 2315, 2332, 2341, 2343, 2356, 2360 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia agilis (Fuhrmann, 1900) Graff, 1904-1908) Graff, L. von. (1909). IV. Turbellaria, Strudelwürmer. I. Teil : Allgemeines und Rhabdocoelida. <em>Brauer Suesswasserfauna Deutschlands H.</em> 19: 59-142. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source (of Jensenia agilis (Fuhrmann, 1900) Graff, 1904-1908) Whitehead, H. (1913). Some notes on British freshwater Rhabdocoelida - a group of Turbellaria. <em>The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club.</em> Ser. 2, 12(72): 45–56.
page(s): 53; note: Mentions the synonymy with J. serotina Dorner, 1902 [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Castrella (Castrella) quadrioculata (Vejdovsky, 1895) Fuhrmann, 1900) Sekera, E. (1906). 11. Über die Verbreitung der Selbstbefruchtung bei den Rhabdocöliden. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 30: 142-153.
page(s): 149; note: Sekera (1906) mentions the species as a variety of C. truncata: Castrella truncata var. quadrioculata. [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Castrella (Castrella) serotina Dorner, 1902) Hofsten, N. v. (1907). Studien über Turbellarien aus dem Berner Oberland. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 85: 391-654. With 5 plates (22–26).
page(s): 538 [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Vortex emarginatus (Paula-Schrank, 1803) Diesing, 1850) Graff, L., von. (1882). Monographie der Turbellarien 1. Rhabdocoelida. <em>[Book].</em> 1-442, Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig., available online at
page(s): 358 [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Castrella (Castrella) agilis Fuhrmann, 1900) Hofsten, N. v. (1907). Studien über Turbellarien aus dem Berner Oberland. <em>Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie.</em> 85: 391-654. With 5 plates (22–26).
page(s): 538 [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Castrella (Castrella) bologoviensis (Plotnikow, 1906) Hofsten, 1910) Hofsten, N. von. (1910). Zur Synonymik un systematischen Stellung von Castrella truncata (Abildg.). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 35: 652–669.
page(s): 658; note: In the same publication, Hofsten (1910) mentions the name Castrella bologowiensis (sic), hence it is also the "new combination reference" for this combination. [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Castrella (Castrella) obscura (Plotnikow, 1905) Hofsten, 1910) Hofsten, N. von. (1910). Zur Synonymik un systematischen Stellung von Castrella truncata (Abildg.). <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 35: 652–669.
page(s): 659; note: In the same publication, Hofsten (1910) mentions the name Castrella obscura, hence it is also the "new combination reference" for this combination. [details] OpenAccess publication

source of synonymy (of Vortex intermedius Du Plessis, 1879) Graff, L. von. (1913). Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913]. Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913., 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W], available online at
page(s): 124 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Jensenia serotina (Dorner, 1902) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2526 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Jensenia truncata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2556, 2565, 2567, 2597 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Jensenia obscura (Plotnikow, 1905) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2526 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Jensenia quadrioculata (Abildgaard, 1879) Graff, 1904-08) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2526 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Vortex emarginatus (Paula-Schrank, 1803) Diesing, 1850) Diesing, C.M. (1850). Systema Helminthum. Vol. I. <em>W. Braumüller, Wien.</em> xiii[xvi] + 679 pp., available online at
page(s): 231 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Dalyellia intermedia (Du Plessis, 1879) Graff, 1905) Graff, L. von. (1905). Marine Turbellarien Orottavas und der Küsten Europas. <em>Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftlige Zoologie.</em> 83: 68-150. With 6 plates., available online at
page(s): 102 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Castrella (Castrella) quadrioculata (Vejdovsky, 1895) Fuhrmann, 1900) Fuhrmann, O. (1900). Note sur les Turbellariés des environs de Genève. <em>Revue Suisse de Zoologie.</em> 7: 717-731, Plate 23.
page(s): 728–729 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Jensenia agilis (Fuhrmann, 1900) Graff, 1904-1908) Graff, L. von. (1904-08). I. Abtheilung; Acoela und Rhabdocoela. <em>In: Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs, vol. 4. Vermes. Abtheilung I.c: Turbellaria.</em> C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, Leipzig. pp. I–XXII; 1733-2599.
page(s): 2526 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Dalyellia truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Graff, 1905) Graff, L. von. (1905). Marine Turbellarien Orottavas und der Küsten Europas. <em>Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftlige Zoologie.</em> 83: 68-150. With 6 plates., available online at
page(s): 102 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Dalyellia millportiana (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905) Graff, L. von. (1905). Marine Turbellarien Orottavas und der Küsten Europas. <em>Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftlige Zoologie.</em> 83: 68-150. With 6 plates., available online at
page(s): 102 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference (of Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, C. G. (1831). Phytozoa Turbellaria africana et asiatica. <em>In: Symbolae physicae (Hemprich F.W. & Ehrenberg C.G., Eds.). Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis recensuit Dr. CG Ehrenberg. Series prima cum tabularum decade prima. Berolini.</em> [details] OpenAccess publication
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

From editor or global species database
Taxonomic remark The specimens described from N. America by Kepner & Gilbert (1931) as a variety (not named) were later considered as belonging to C. pinguis by Hyman (1955) and Luther (1955). [details]

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