Ben-Eliahu, M. Nechama. (1975). Polychaete cryptofauna from rims of similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat: Sabellidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria. Israel Journal of Zoology. 24(1-2): 54-70.
Polychaete cryptofauna from rims of similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat: Sabellidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Link via DOI failed Jan2016, but direct link (same numbers) OK
The Sabellidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) were studied in two similar habitats in the Gulf of Elat and on the Mediterranean coast of Israel. These were porous reefs of Dendropoma spp. tubes encrusted on seaward margins of intertidal platforms. The polychaete infauna and species diversity of these reefs were compared. Five sabellid species were found in each habitat. The Sabellinae were represented by the genera Amphiglena (A. mediterranea, Mediterranean), Potamilla (P. reniformis, Mediterranean; P. ehlersi, Gulf of Elat), and Hypiscomus (H. phaeotaenia, Gulf of Elat); and the Fabriciinae by Fabricia (F. sabella, s.l., both habitats); Fabriciola (F. baltica, Mediterranean; F. ghardaqua, Gulf of Elat) and Oriopsis (O. eimeri persinosa, Mediterranean; O. armandi, Gulf of Elat). Potamilla reniformis, F. sabella, F. baltica, and O. eimeri persinosa n. subsp. are new records for these coasts. The Fabriciinae are abundant and constitute an important part of the polychaete infauna of these habitats. Since Fabriciinae are minute creatures, a scanning electron microscope study of the uncini yielded useful additional morphological data for establishing specific identity, particularly in such similar species as F. baltica and F. ghardaqa. A new type of seta is described in the superior neuropodium of the genus Fabriciola