Buchanan, Florence. (1894). A polynoid with branchiae (Eupolyodontes cornishii). Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, New Series. 35: 433-450.
Buchanan, Florence
A polynoid with branchiae (Eupolyodontes cornishii)
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, New Series
[none; page 433 text:] A SINGLE specimen of an interesting Polychsete was pre-
sented to the British Museum a short time ago by Mr. V. H.
Cornish, of the cable-ship " Mirror," who had obtained it off
the mouth of the river Congo. It was shown to me by Professor
Bell, who was good enough to suggest that I should describe
it, and Dr. Giinther has kindly sanctioned my doing so.
The worm is evidently a Polynoid belonging to the sub-
family Acoetidse. It is remarkably large even for that sub-
family, the specimen, although incomplete, measuring over a
foot in length, its breadth exceeding one and a half inches,
and its depth being nearly half an inch. It is, unfortunately,
somewhat mutilated, the alimentary canal being torn out, so
that the pharynx, which is a characteristic feature of the group,
cannot be diagnosed. The head and greater number of seg-
ments present are, however, complete, externally, and while
showing clearly the genetic position of the worm, present also
characters of interest only slightly developed in other members
of the group, and which therefore have not hitherto received
sufficient attention.
Before describing the worm itself I think it will be advisable
to review briefly the characteristics of the sub-family, and to
enumerate the few known species belonging to it, especially as