McIntosh, W.C. 1897. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. 18. 1. On the phosphorescence of Gattyana (Nychia) cirrosa Pallas. 2. On a new Evarne (E. atlantica) from Rockall. 3. On the British species of Pholoe. 4. On a collection of annelids made by Canon Norman in Norway. Part I. A new Evarne and two species of Sthenelais. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 20 (Series 6): 167-178.
Mcintosh, W. C.
Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. 18. 1. On the phosphorescence of Gattyana (Nychia) cirrosa Pallas. 2. On a new Evarne (E. atlantica) from Rockall. 3. On the British species of Pholoe. 4. On a collection of annelids made by Canon Norman in Norway. Part I. A new Evarne and two species of Sthenelais