[None. Introduction starts as:]
Besides Grube's (1878) classic work
Annulata Semperiana there have been no major studies on Philippine polychaetes and other references to Philippine polychaetes (Treadwell 1920, 1942, 1943, etc.,) are very few. The Polychaeta of Indonesia are practically unknown. The present paper deals with a collection of marine and brackish-water polychaetes made from the Philippines and Indonesia during the period April to October 1960. Thirty-three species are reported, including two genera, fourteen species and three varieties new to science, five new to the fauna of the Philippines and two new to the fauna of Indonesia. The marine species were collected from the Lingayan Gulf and Manila Bay in Luzon, Philippines. The brackish-water species are from oyster and milkfish (
Chanos chanos Forskal) farms in the Philippines and from milkfish farms in East Java and the island of Madura in Indonesia.