Westheide, W. (1981). Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. XXVI. Questidae, Cirratulidae, Acrocirridae, Ctenodrilidae (Polychaeta). Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens. 82: 1-24.
Westheide, W.
Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. XXVI. Questidae, Cirratulidae, Acrocirridae, Ctenodrilidae (Polychaeta)
Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens
82: 1-24
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
From the investigations in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of the Galapagos Islands (Galapagos Expedition of the 2. Zoological Institute of the University of Göttingen 1972/73) seven additional species are presented. Three of them are new to science. Four species belong to the family Cirratulidae (Caulleriella alata, Cirriformia violacea nov. spec., Cirriformia spec., Tharyx spec.), one to the Questidae (Questa media nov. spec.), one to the Acrocirridae (Macrochaeta multipapillata nov. spec.), and one to the Ctenodrilidae (Ctenodrilus serratus). Only the three latter forms are interstitial animals from shell gravel; the cirratulids are larger species found in the surface of a muddy-sandy sublittoral habitat, under stones, or in small mud flats of the intertidal.