MarBEF Data System
ERMS source details
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Taxa (99)
Acantholaimus iubilus
Gerlach, Schrage & Riemann, 1979
(basis of record)
Acantholaimus megamphis
Vivier, 1985
(basis of record)
Adeonellopsis coscinophora
(Reuss, 1848)
(basis of record)
Amphiophiura convexa
(Lyman, 1878)
(basis of record)
Amphioplus daleus
(Lyman, 1879)
represented as
Amphioplus (Unioplus) daleus
(Lyman, 1879)
accepted as
Silax daleus
(Lyman, 1879)
(basis of record)
Arachnoidea prenanti
d'Hondt, 1976
accepted as
Arachnoidella prenanti
(d'Hondt, 1976)
(basis of record)
Aricidea (Allia) belgicae
(Fauvel, 1936)
accepted as
Aricidea (Strelzovia) belgicae
(Fauvel, 1936)
(basis of record)
Bathycrinus carpenteri
(Danielssen & Koren, 1877)
accepted as
Bathycrinus carpenterii
(Danielssen & Koren, 1877)
(basis of record)
Petter, 1980
accepted as
Rubtzov & Platonova, 1974
(basis of record)
Benthimermis acuticauda
Petter, 1981
accepted as
Trophomera acuticauda
(Petter, 1981) Miljutin, 2006
(basis of record)
Benthimermis hopei
Petter, 1980
accepted as
Trophomera hopei
(Petter, 1980) Miljutin, 2006
(basis of record)
Benthimermis leptosoma
Petter, 1981
accepted as
Trophomera leptosoma
(Petter, 1981) Miljutin, 2006
(basis of record)
Benthimermis rotundicauda
Petter, 1981
accepted as
Trophomera rotundicauda
(Petter, 1981) Miljutin, 2006
(basis of record)
Bolivina earlandi
Parr, 1950
(basis of record)
Bonellia pumicea
Sluiter, 1891
(basis of record)
Fisher, 1946
(basis of record)
Bryocryptella tubulata
(Busk, 1861)
(basis of record)
Cassidulina carinata
Silvestri, 1896
(basis of record)
Savigny, 1822
accepted as
Blainville, 1828
(basis of record)
Cellaria harmelini
d'Hondt, 1973
(basis of record)
Ceramaster greeni
(Bell, 1889)
accepted as
Ceramaster grenadensis
(Perrier, 1881)
(basis of record)
Goode & Bean, 1883
accepted as
Gunnerus, 1765
(basis of record)
Chalinura brevibarbis
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Coryphaenoides brevibarbis
(Goode & Bean, 1896)
(basis of record)
Chalinura leptolepis
(Günther, 1877)
accepted as
Coryphaenoides leptolepis
Günther, 1877
(basis of record)
Chalinura mediterranea
Giglioli, 1893
accepted as
Coryphaenoides mediterraneus
(Giglioli, 1893)
(basis of record)
Chalinura profundicola
Nybelin, 1957
accepted as
Coryphaenoides profundicolus
(Nybelin, 1957)
(basis of record)
Zenkevitch, 1964
(basis of record)
Choanostomellia bruuni
(Zenkevitch, 1964)
(basis of record)
Choanostomellia filatovae
(Zenkevitch, 1964)
(basis of record)
Cirrophorus lyriformis
(Annenkova, 1934)
accepted as
Cirrophorus branchiatus
Ehlers, 1908
(additional source)
Cladocarpus tenuis
Clarke, 1879
(basis of record)
Cocculina maxima
Dautzenberg, 1925
accepted as
Pectinodonta maxima
(Dautzenberg, 1925)
(basis of record)
Conchoecia daphnoides
accepted as
Conchoecilla daphnoides
Claus, 1890
(basis of record)
Conchoecia imbricata
(Brady, 1880)
accepted as
Conchoecissa imbricata
(Brady, 1880)
(basis of record)
Conchoecia obtusata
accepted as
Obtusoecia obtusata
(Sars, 1866)
(basis of record)
Conchoecia spinirostris
accepted as
Porroecia spinirostris
(Claus, 1874)
(basis of record)
Conocrinus cabiochi
Roux, 1976
accepted as
Democrinus cabiochi
(Roux, 1976)
(basis of record)
Coryphaenoides mediterraneus
(Giglioli, 1893)
(basis of record)
Coryphaenoides zaniophorus
(Vaillant, 1888)
(basis of record)
Desmoscolex asetosus
Decraemer, 1975
(basis of record)
Desmoscolex macrophasmata
Decraemer, 1984
accepted as
Desmoscolex macrophasmatus
Decraemer, 1984
(basis of record)
Desmoscolex paralongisetosus
Decraemer, 1983
(basis of record)
Diaphus rafinesquei
(Cocco, 1838)
accepted as
Diaphus rafinesquii
(Cocco, 1838)
(basis of record)
Discinidae Gray, 1840
(basis of record)
J. A. Allen & R. E. Morgan, 1981
accepted as
J. A. Allen & R. E. Morgan, 1981
(basis of record)
Electrona rissoi
(Cocco, 1829)
accepted as
Electrona risso
(Cocco, 1829)
(basis of record)
Fisher, 1946
(basis of record)
Eulitoma arcus
Bouchet & Warén, 1986
(basis of record)
Eusyllis bloomstrandi
accepted as
Eusyllis blomstrandi
Malmgren, 1867
(basis of record)
Glycera rouxi
[auctt. misspelling]
accepted as
Glycera rouxii
Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833
accepted as
Glycera unicornis
Lamarck, 1818
(additional source)
Glyphanostomum abyssale
Day, 1967
(basis of record)
Irenosyrinx tenerrima
(Locard, 1897)
accepted as
Aforia hypomela
(Dall, 1889)
(basis of record)
Zenkevitch, 1958
(basis of record)
Lagisca hubrechti
(McIntosh, 1900)
accepted as
Eunoe hubrechti
(McIntosh, 1900)
(additional source)
K. J. Bush, 1897
(basis of record)
Lissospira profunda
(Friele, 1879)
accepted as
Skenea profunda
(Friele, 1879)
(basis of record)
Lissospira turgida
(Odhner, 1912)
accepted as
Skenea turgida
(Odhner, 1912)
(basis of record)
Lumbriclymene cylindricauda
Sars, 1872
(basis of record)
Lumbrineris albidentata
Ehlers, 1908
accepted as
Augeneria albidentata
(Ehlers, 1908)
(additional source)
Lusitanops cingulata
Bouchet & Warén, 1980
accepted as
Lusitanops cingulatus
Bouchet & Warén, 1980
(basis of record)
Lusitanops sigmoidea
accepted as
Lusitanops sigmoideus
Bouchet & Warén, 1980
(basis of record)
Maxmuelleria verrucosum
(Studer, 1879)
(basis of record)
Nothria hispanica
Amoureux, 1972
accepted as
Paradiopatra hispanica
(Amoureux, 1972)
(basis of record)
Nothria lepta
Chamberlin, 1919
accepted as
Paradiopatra lepta
(Chamberlin, 1919)
(basis of record)
Nothria rullieriana
Amoureux, 1977
accepted as
Onuphis rullieriana
(Amoureux, 1977)
(basis of record)
Onchnesoma magnibatha
Cutler, 1969
accepted as
Onchnesoma magnibathum
Cutler, 1969
(basis of record)
Ophiernus vallincola
Lyman, 1878
(additional source)
Ophiochiton ternispinus
Lyman, 1883
(basis of record)
Ophiopleura inermis
(Lyman, 1878)
(basis of record)
d'Hondt, 1983
(basis of record)
Pachyzoontidae d'Hondt, 1983
accepted as
Pachyzoidae d'Hondt, 1983
(basis of record)
Paelopatides gigantea
(Verrill, 1884)
(basis of record)
Poulsen, 1962
(additional source)
Paroriza prouhoi
Hérouard, 1902
(basis of record)
Parvamussium lucidum
(Jeffreys, 1873)
accepted as
Propeamussium lucidum
(Jeffreys, 1873)
(basis of record)
Philomedes lilljeborgii
(Sars, 1866) Sars, 1869
(basis of record)
Pholoe dorsipapillata
Marenzeller, 1893
accepted as
Pholoides dorsipapillatus
(Marenzeller, 1893)
(additional source)
Plesionika richardi
(Coutière, 1905)
(basis of record)
Plinthaster perrieri
Sladen, 1889
accepted as
Plinthaster dentatus
(Perrier, 1884)
(basis of record)
accepted as
Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938
(basis of record)
Polycordia jeffreysi
accepted as
Policordia jeffreysi
(Friele, 1879)
(basis of record)
Proclymene mulleri
[auct. misspelling]
accepted as
Proclymene muelleri
(Sars, 1856)
(basis of record)
Fisher, 1948
(basis of record)
Ikeda, 1908
(basis of record)
Protobonellia mitsukurii
Ikeda, 1908
(basis of record)
Pseudothyone furnestini
Cherbonnier, 1969
(basis of record)
Raja fullonica
Linnaeus, 1758
accepted as
Leucoraja fullonica
(Linnaeus, 1758)
(basis of record)
Raja fyllae
Lütken, 1887
accepted as
Rajella fyllae
(Lütken, 1887)
(basis of record)
Reophax agglutinatus
Cushman, 1913
(basis of record)
Wood-Mason, 1873
(basis of record)
Scrupocellaria jullieni
Hayward, 1978
(basis of record)
Seguenzia carinata
Jeffreys, 1877
accepted as
Carenzia carinata
(Jeffreys, 1877)
(basis of record)
Serrivomer beani
Gill & Ryder, 1883
accepted as
Serrivomer beanii
Gill & Ryder, 1883
(basis of record)
Silax verrilli
(Lyman, 1879)
(basis of record)
Smittoidea perrieri
(Jullien, 1882)
accepted as
Pseudoflustra perrieri
(Jullien, 1882)
(basis of record)
Tacita abyssorum
(P. Fischer, 1884)
accepted as
Mohnia abyssorum
(P. Fischer, 1884)
(basis of record)
Tacita danielsseni
(Friele, 1879)
accepted as
Mohnia danielsseni
(Friele, 1879)
(basis of record)
Jullien, 1882
(additional source)
Typosyllis variegata
(Grube, 1860)
accepted as
Syllis variegata
Grube, 1860
(additional source)
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