MarBEF Data System |
NARMS name details
original description
(of Rhizosolenia eriensis f. eriensis H.L. Smith, 1872) Smith, H.L. (1872). The Diatomaceae of Lake Michigan. The Lens (A Quarterly Journal of Microscopy), Chicago, 1: 41-44 page(s): p. 44 [details]
basis of record
Rawlence, D.L. 1987. A guide to common phytoplankton of the St. Croix Estuary, New Brunswick. The New Brunswick Museum Publications in Natural Science No. 6. 60 p. [details]
additional source
Hällfors, G. (2004). Checklist of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton Species (including some heterotrophic protistan groups). <em>Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings.</em> No. 95: 210 pp., available online at http://helcom.fi/Lists/Publications/BSEP95.pdf [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Fourtanier, E. & Kociolek, J. P. (compilers). (2011). Catalogue of Diatom Names. California Academy of Sciences, On-line Version. Updated 2011-09-19., available online at http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp [details]
additional source
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at http://www.itis.gov [details]
new combination reference
Round, F.E. ; Crawford, R.M. ; Mann, D.G. (1990). The Diatoms. Biology & Morphology of the genera. <em>Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.</em> 747 pp. page(s): p. 679 [details] Available for editors 
Morphology yellow brown in color, not green [details]