McMurtrie, H. (1831). The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier. The Crustacea, Arachnides and Insecta by P. A. Latreille. Translated from the French, with notes and additions. Vol. 2. G. 1C. 1H. Carvill, New York, xv 1 475 pp 1 10 pls.
McMurtrie, H.
The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier. The Crustacea, Arachnides and Insecta by P. A. Latreille. Translated from the French, with notes and additions.
Vol. 2. G. 1C. 1H. Carvill, New York, xv 1 475 pp 1 10 pls