World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). The first full description, 24 years after Leidy first named the genus and species Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB
Begins: At the time of the discovery of the pretty polyzoan, Urnatella gracilis, of which a description is now in course of publication in the Journal of the Academy, I found an equally interesting little annelide, of which I gave a brief notice in 1858, published in the Proceedings for that year, page 90, under the name of Manayunkia speciosa. The two were found in company together, attached to the same stones, in the Schuylkill River, at Fairmount, Philadelphia. They seem fitting associates, for while Urnatella is nearly related with the marine Pedicellina, Manayunkia is closely related with the marine annelide Fabricia. Manayunkia has proved to be less frequent than Urnatella, nor have I found it elsewhere than in the locality named. Recently, several specimens were submitted to my examination by our fellow-member, Mr. Edward Potts, who found them attached to a fragment of pine- bark, in Egg Harbor River, New Jersey.