RULING. (1) Under the plenary powers
(A) the following specific names are hereby suppressed for the purposes of the Law of Priority but not for those of the Law of Homonmy: (a) Cylindraria Pallas, 1766, as published in the combination Nereis cylindraria; (b) tubiformis Pennant 1777, as published in the binomen Sabella tubiformis; (c) pectinata J. Sowerby, 1805 as published in the binomen Nereis pectinata· (d) pallassii Leach, 1816, as published in the binomen Cistena pallassii;
(B) the generic name Cistena Leach, 1816 is hereby suppressed for the purposes of the Law of Priority but not for those of the Law of Homonymy·
(C) all designations of type specimens for , and all the original type material of, the nominal species-group taxon Nereis cylindraria belgica are hereby set aside and the neotype designated by Nielsen, Kierkegaard & Lemche, 1977, is hereby designated type of that speciesgroup taxon;
(D) it is hereby ruled that the family-group name PECTINARIIDAE Quatrefages~ 1865 is to be given precedence over the family-group name AMPHICTENIDAE Grube, 1851 whenever the two names are considered synonyms.