Kirkegaard, J. B. 2001. Polychaetes of the families Glyceridae, Goniadidae, and Nereididae from the North Atlantic around Iceland. Sarsia 86(1): 13-20.
Polychaetes of the families Glyceridae, Goniadidae, and Nereididae from the North Atlantic around Iceland
86(1), 13-20
Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB
Available for editors
Twelve specles of polychaetes from the families Glycendae, Goniadidae,and Nereldldae were found In
the BIOICE materlal from the area around Iceland at 37-2400 m Three of the specles are new to
Iceland Flve of the specles are present both around the Faroes, around Iceland and off West Greenland,
two of them are also present off East Greenland.