ERMS image

Pegantha clara (Narcomedusae, Solmarisidae)
Pegantha clara (Narcomedusae, Solmarisidae)
Description Pegantha clara R. P. Bigelow, 1909 (Narcomedusae, Solmarisidae), diameter about 5 cm, note the absence of gastric pouches. Some otoporpae are very long and extend high up the exumbrella. Photo copyright: Kevin Raskoff, MBARI. Author Schuchert, Peter JPG file - 93.92 kB - 580 x 429 pixelsmore
Extra information
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DateTime: 2013:06:17 15:48:16
Copyright: ©K. Rasskoff
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added on 2013-06-173 127 viewsERMS taxaDigital photo, entire species Narcomedusaechecked Schuchert, Peter 2017-09-15Digital photo, entire species Solmarisidae Haeckel, 1879checked Schuchert, Peter 2017-09-15Digital photo, entire species Pegantha Haeckel, 1879checked Schuchert, Peter 2017-09-15Digital photo, entire species Pegantha clara R.P. Bigelow, 1909checked Schuchert, Peter 2017-09-15 © 2013 Schuchert, Peter
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