original description
Boucher, G. (1976). Nématodes des sables fins infralittoraux de la Pierre Noire (Manche occidentale) II. Chromadorida. <em>Bulletin du Muséum National d' Histoire Naturelle.</em> 3e série, no 352, Zoologie 245.
page(s): 57 (35 of pdf) [details] Available for editors
additional source
Neira, C.; Decraemer, W. (2009). Desmotersia levinae, a new genus and new species of free-living nematode from bathyal oxygen minimum zone sediments off Callao, Peru, with discussion on the classification of the genus Richtersia (Chromadorida: Selachinematidae). <em>Organisms Diversity & Evolution.</em> 9(1): 1.e1-1.e15., available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ode.2008.09.004 [details] Available for editors
additional source
Pastor de Ward, C. T.; Lo Russo, V. (2007). A review of the genus Richtersia (Nematoda: Selachinematidae): new species from Golfo San José and Golfo San Matías, Chubut (Argentina). <em>J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.87.</em> 1153–1160., available online at https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315407056755 [details] Available for editors
Holotype MNHN R1937AB, geounit Morlaix bay [details]
From editor or global species database