MarBEF Data System

European Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishUnited Kingdom(2001). The Times comprehensive atlas of the world. 10th ed. Times Books: London. ISBN 0-7230-0792-6. 67, 220, 124 plates pp. (look up in RoR)   
EnglishUKAphia (look up in RoR)   
PlaceType Nation 
Latitude 55° 1' 13.8" N (55.0205°)  
Longitude 3° 26' 41.5" W (-3.44485°)  
Precision 729047 meter 
Min. Lat 49° 9' 53.6" N (49.1649°)  
Min. Long 8° 39' 9.4" W (-8.6526°)  
Max. Lat 60° 52' 34" N (60.8761°)  
Max. Long 1° 45' 46.4" E (1.7629°)  
Source (2001). The Times comprehensive atlas of the world. 10th ed. Times Books: London. ISBN 0-7230-0792-6. 67, 220, 124 plates pp. (look up in RoR)
Part of  Europe (Continent)  [view hierarchy]   
Datasets covering
the whole area
Cross Sands broadscale survey 1998
Harbour porpoises, white-beaked dolphins and minke whales in North Sea - Vessel Surveys
Macrobenthos from English waters between 2000-2002
Macrobenthos from the eastern English Channel in 1999 and 2001
Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) marine survey data (Professional)
Marine Life Survey Data (collected by volunteers) collated by MarLIN
MBA/MarLIN-Collated Marine Life Survey Datasets
United Kingdom National Whale Stranding Database 1913-2008
Edit history Last edited on 2005-01-01 00:00:00 by db_admin
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