MarBEF Data System

European Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishCornwallASFA thesaurus   
PlaceType County 
Latitude 50° 26' 44.3" N (50.44565°)  
Longitude 4° 57' 23.9" W (-4.95665°)  
Precision 77830 meter 
Min. Lat 49° 57' 33.8" N (49.9594°)  
Min. Long 5° 44' 48.8" W (-5.7469°)  
Max. Lat 50° 55' 54.8" N (50.9319°)  
Max. Long 4° 9' 59" W (-4.1664°)  
Source ASFA thesaurus, available online at

Part of  England (Country)  [view hierarchy]   
Datasets covering
the whole area
Cefas06 - Effects of various types of disturbances on nematode communities
Experimental effects of TBT on meiobenthic communities
Meiofauna from Lynher estuary in microcosms with contaminated sediment from the Fal estuary
Nematodes from the Lynher Estuary (microcosm experiments)
Seabird nearshore winter survey in South-West England 1994-95
Datasets covering
part of the area
European estuarine nematodes (Tamar Estuary)
Nematoda and Copepoda from the Fal estuary (Falmouth Bay)
Edit history Last edited on 2005-01-01 00:00:00 by db_admin
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