MarBEF Data System |
Oslo database (Marbef Theme 1 workshop)
Availability: Restricted The data are withheld from general circulation and disclosure but access may be obtained on a case-by-case basis through negotiation
Notes: Restrictions apply to some or all of the data
Different dataset added toghether to make a common database for the workshop in Oslo and for the upcoming worskhop on Crete. more
Investigate biodiversity across Europe: The database consist of bottom-dwelling macro benthos collected in Arctic (Franz Josef Land, Pechora Sea, Svalbard),along the Norwegian Continental Shelf, in Irish Sea, Ionan Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Black Sea.
3,616 taxa and 1,064,225 individuals including 26,313 juvenile in 1,243 sediment samples.
Equipment Surface (m2) Samples Replicates
Van Veen Grab 0.1 518 2 – 5 grabs, mostly 5.
Van Veen Grab 0.04 33 1
Ponar Grab 0.05 39 1
Ocean Grab 0.25 50 1
Boxcorer 0.25 16 2
Hand-operated Van Veen Grab 0.08 18 1
Hand operated van Veen Grab 0.05 64 1
Hand operated grab type Ponar 0.045 70 1
Hand operated Smith-McIntyre sampler 0.1 14 1
Hand operated van Veen Grab; Scuba diving; Free diving; Otter trawl - 421 “p/a”
1937 – 2000
Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Benthos
Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Biodiversity, diver, Long term follow up, Soft bottom benthos, ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS), ANE, Europe, MED, PNE, PNE, Russia, Pechora Sea
Count Depth Granulometric variables
ContributorsMarine Biological Station (Universitetets Marinbiologiske stasjon i Drøbak); University of Oslo; Biological Institute , more, data manager
Related datasets(Partly) included in: Macroben: Macroben database (Marbef Theme 1 workshop), more Source datasets: Aegean macrobenthic fauna, moreBenthic fauna around Franz Josef Land, moreBenthic Fauna in the Barents Sea, moreBenthic fauna in the Pechora Sea, moreBiomôr 1 dataset. Benthic data from the Southern Irish Sea from 1989-1991, moreEnvironmental impact assessment of oil pollution accident in Gialova lagoon and Navarino Bay, moreKyklades-data of the Central Aegean Sea, moreOffshore ref. stations, North/Norwegian sea, moreOffshore reference stations (Finnmark), moreOffshore reference stations, Norwegian/Barents Sea, more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Data collection
Metadatarecord created: 2005-11-23
Information last updated: 2022-08-16
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