In MarPace, we aim to identify the intensity, timing, and temporal extent of production and (primary) settlement of pelagic propagules of benthic plants and animals along large-scale Pan-European transects representing spatial gradients in environmental conditions such as seawater temperature, insolation and seasonality. |  |
Studied species comprise both floral and faunal key organisms (e.g. ranging from biofilm communities to bivalve post-larvae). Both representatives of the rocky shore and the soft-sediment communities will be studied. The proposed empirical research on latitudinal gradients in a selection of recruitment characteristics may contribute to the main question how variation in local conditions affects the richness in communities (e.g. Willig et al. 2003).
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MarPace: Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe is a Responsive Mode Project undertaken within the MarBEF EU Network of Excellence, funded under the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union
Principal investigator: Katja Philippart