MarBEF Data System |
NARMS name details
original description
Diesing, C.M. [[Karl Moritz, usually as Latin C. M = Carolo Mauritio]. (1850). Systema Helminthum. Vol. I. <em>[book].</em> xiii[xvi] + 679 pp.W. Vindobonae, Braumušller, Wien., available online at https://archive.org/details/systemahelminth00diesgoog/page/n5/mode/2up?view=theater page(s): 241 [details] 
basis of record
Gibson, R. (1995). Nemertean genera and species of the world: an annotated checklist of original names and description citations, synonyms, current taxonomic status, habitats and recorded zoogeographic distribution. <em>Journal of Natural History.</em> 29(2): 271561., available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/00222939500770161 [details] Available for editors 
source of synonymy
Gibson, R. (2005). Nemertina DB. Liverpool John Moore University, UK. [details]