Dietrich, Anna; Hager, Tatjana; Bönsch, Regine; Winkelmann, Charlotte; Schmidt, Andreas; Nygren, Arne. (2015). A new species of Myrianida (Autolytinae, Syllidae, Annelida) from the North Sea, with short notes on the distribution and habitat of Northeast Atlantic autolytines. Marine Biology Research. 11(8): 804-813.
A new species of <i>Myrianida</i> (Autolytinae, Syllidae, Annelida) from the North Sea, with short notes on the distribution and habitat of Northeast Atlantic autolytines
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Online Zoobank date 29 April 2015
In this paper, we describe Myrianida sanmartini, a new species of Autolytinae from the North Sea, southwest and north of Helgoland. The species is unique within the genus in that the cirrophores of both short and long cirri are longer than the cirrostyles. In addition, we provide illustrated keys to the North Atlantic species of autolytine syllids and report on finding Proceraea rubroproventriculata Nygren & Gidholm, 2001 for the first time in the North East Atlantic (Madeira)