Fungiacyathus fragilis G.O. Sars, 1872, oblique calicular view
Description Name of object: Fungiacyathus fragilis G.O. Sars, 1872
Specimen ID: USNM 47536
Type Specimen: Not a Type
Locality: Eltanin Sta. 1412, 51°07' S, 160° 40' E, 659-798 m
Scale Bar Length: 2.0 mm
Orientation: Oblique calicular
Preparation Method: Skeleton Surface
Imaging Method: Photograph
Remark: Coated with ammonium chloride.
Copyright: American Geophysical Union
Author Cairns, 1982, Plate 1, figure 7
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added on 2023-02-24419 viewsERMS taxaDigital photo, entire species Fungiacyathus Sars, 1872checked Hoeksema, Bert 2023-02-24