Peponocyathus folliculus (Pourtalès, 1868), lateral view.
Description Name of object: Peponocyathus folliculus (Pourtalès, 1868)
Type Specimen: Syntype
Locality: João de Castro Bank area, Prince of Monaco stat. 2214, 37°26'10" N, 31°21'30"W, 650 - 910 m, west of Flores.
Scale Bar Length: 0.5 mm
Orientation: Lateral view.
Preparation Method: Skeleton Surface
Imaging Method: Photograph
Remark: Syntype of P. variabilis Gravier, 1915.
Copyright: Mèmoires de l'Institut Ocèanographique, Monaco, 11, 1980
Author Zibrowius, 1980, plate 58, figure B.
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added on 2023-02-24735 viewsERMS taxaDigital photo, entire species Peponocyathus Gravier, 1915checked Hoeksema, Bert 2023-02-24Digital photo, entire species Peponocyathus folliculus (Pourtalès, 1868)checked Hoeksema, Bert 2023-02-24