MarBEF Data System |
Between brackets is the number of accepted marine extant species
1 Click on "-" to collapse/hide all child taxa
2 Shows the number of accepted marine extant species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota (32 239)
- Kingdom Animalia (26 717)
- Phylum Acanthocephala (64)
- Phylum Annelida (2 172)
- Phylum Arthropoda (7 691)
- Subphylum Chelicerata (518)
- Subphylum Crustacea (7 159)
- Superclass Allotriocarida (102)
- Superclass Multicrustacea (6 359)
- Class Copepoda (2 858)
- Class Hexanauplia accepted as Thecostraca
- Class Malacostraca (3 338)
- Subclass Eumalacostraca (3 303)
- Superorder Eucarida (720)
- Superorder Peracarida (2 583)
- Order Amphipoda (1 286)
- Suborder Amphilochidea (718)
- Infraorder Amphilochida (281)
- Infraorder Lysianassida (437)
- Parvorder Haustoriidira (48)
- Parvorder Lysianassidira (252)
- Superfamily Alicelloidea Lowry & De Broyer, 2008 (11)
- Superfamily Aristioidea Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (26)
- Family Acidostomatidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2012 (3)
- Family Ambasiidae Lowry & Myers, 2017 (2)
- Family Aristiidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (8)
- Family Endevouridae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997 (1)
- Family Kergueleniidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2010 (2)
- Family Lepidepecreellidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2010 (1)
- Family Pachynidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2012 accepted as Pakynidae Lowry & Myers, 2017
- Family Pakynidae Lowry & Myers, 2017 (2)
- Family Sophrosynidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2010 (2)
- Family Thoriellidae Lowry & Stoddart, 2011 (3)
- Genus Danaella Stephensen, 1925 (1)
- Genus Parachevreuxiella Andres, 1987 (1)
- Genus Thoriella Stephensen, 1915 (1)
- Species Thoriella islandica Stephensen, 1915
- Family Trischizostomatidae Lilljeborg, 1865 (2)
- Superfamily Lysianassoidea Dana, 1849 (196)
- Superfamily Stegocephaloidea Dana, 1852 (19)
- Parvorder Synopiidira (137)
- Suborder Amphipoda incertae sedis (2)
- Suborder Caprellidea accepted as Caprelloidea Leach, 1814
- Suborder Colomastigidea (1)
- Suborder Corophiidea accepted as Corophiida
- Suborder Gammaridea
- Suborder Hyperiidea (92)
- Suborder Hyperiopsidea (1)
- Suborder Senticaudata (472)
- Order Cumacea (204)
- Order Ingolfiellida (3)
- Order Isopoda (653)
- Order Lophogastrida (15)
- Order Mysida (201)
- Order Mysidacea accepted as Mysida
- Order Tanaidacea (219)
- Order Thermosbaenacea (2)
- Subclass Hoplocarida (25)
- Subclass Phyllocarida (10)
- Class Tantulocarida (13)
- Class Thecostraca (150)
- Superclass Oligostraca (698)
- Class Maxillopoda
- Subphylum Myriapoda (14)
- Phylum Brachiopoda (39)
- Phylum Bryozoa (787)
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha
- Phylum Chaetognatha (41)
- Phylum Chordata (2 246)
- Phylum Cnidaria (1 470)
- Phylum Coelenterata
- Phylum Ctenophora (37)
- Phylum Cycliophora (1)
- Phylum Dicyemida (17)
- Phylum Echinodermata (650)
- Phylum Ectoprocta accepted as Bryozoa
- Phylum Entoprocta (59)
- Phylum Gastrotricha (257)
- Phylum Gnathostomulida (25)
- Phylum Hemichordata (17)
- Phylum Kinorhyncha (83)
- Phylum Loricifera (2)
- Phylum Mesozoa accepted as Dicyemida
- Phylum Mollusca (4 724)
- Phylum Nematoda (1 849)
- Phylum Nematomorpha (3)
- Phylum Nemertea (372)
- Phylum Nemertina represented as Nemertea
- Phylum Orthonectida (19)
- Phylum Pentastomida accepted as Pentastomida
- Phylum Phoronida (9)
- Phylum Placozoa (1)
- Phylum Platyhelminthes (2 186)
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera (1 515)
- Phylum Priapulida (7)
- Phylum Rotifera (102)
- Phylum Sipunculida accepted as Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada (83)
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha (189)
- Kingdom Bacteria (157)
- Kingdom Chromista (3 254)
- Kingdom Fungi (374)
- Kingdom Monera represented as Bacteria
- Kingdom Plantae (1 473)
- Kingdom Protozoa (264)