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WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Hatschek, B. (1888-1891). Lehrbuch der Zoologie, eine morphologische Übersicht des Thierreiches zur Einführung in das Studium dieser Wissenschaft: Jena, Gustav Fischer. vol. 1 [1888], pp. i-iv, 1-144, vol. 2 [1889], pp. 145-304; vol. 3 [1891], pp. 305-432., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/16252 [details]
basis of record
Margulis, L.; Schwartz, K.V. (1998). Five Kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the Phyla of life on earth. 3rd edition. Freeman: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 0-7167-3027-8. xx, 520 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details]
Othercontext source (PeRMS)
Cortés, J.; Enochs, I.C.; Sibaja-Cordero, J.; Hernández, L.; Alvarado, J.J.; Breedy, O.; Cruz-Barraza, J.A.; Esquivel-Garrote, O.; Fernández-García, C.; Hermosillo, A.; Kaiser, K.L.; Medina-Rosas, P.; Morales-Ramírez, Á.; Pacheco, C.; Pérez-Matus, A.; Reyes-Bonilla, H.; Riosmena-Rodríguez, R.; Sánchez-Noguera, C.; Wieters, E.A.; Zapata, F.A. (2016). Marine Biodiversity of Eastern Tropical Pacific Coral Reefs. Chap. 7, pp. 203-250 in: Coral Reefs of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. , available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7499-4_7 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Howson, C.M. & B.E. Picton. (1997). The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and surrounding seas. Ulster Museum Publication, 276. The Ulster Museum: Belfast, UK. ISBN 0-948150-06-8. vi, 508 (+ cd-rom) pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Gegenbaur, C. (1857). Versuch eines Systems der Medusen, mit Beschreibung neuer oder wenig gekannter Formen; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna des Mittelmeeres. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Leipzig 8: 202-273, pls 7-9., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/13864647 [details] 
additional source
Daly, M., M.R. Brugler, P. Cartwright, A.G. Collins, M.N. Dawson, D.G. Fautin, S.C. France, C.S. McFadden, D.M. Opresko, E. Rodriquez, S.L. Romano, J.L. Stake. (2007). The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity 300 years after Linnaeus. Zootaxa. (1668): 127-182., available online at http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2007f/zt01668p182.pdf [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Verrill AE. (1866). On the Polyps and Echinoderms of New England, with Descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 10: 333-364., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/9492315 [details]
additional source
Götte, A. (1887). Entwickelungsgeschichte der Aurelia aurita und Cotylorhiza tuberculata. Abhandlungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Tiere. 4, 1–79; 9 plates. [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality