Hartmann-Schröder, Gesa; Rosenfeldt, Pongchai. (1992). Die Polychaeten der "Polarstern"-Reise ANT V/1 in die Antarktis 1986. Teil 1: Euphrosinidae bis Iphitimidae. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut. 89: 85-124.
Hartmann-Schröder, Gesa; Rosenfeldt, Pongchai
Die Polychaeten der "Polarstern"-Reise ANT V/1 in die Antarktis 1986. Teil 1: Euphrosinidae bis Iphitimidae.
Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut
89: 85-124
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb), Ant'Phipoda Literature database
Available for editors
The present paper deals with 17 families of polychaetes collected during the voyage of R/V "Polarstern" from May 5 to June 13, 1986. Some 71 species were found, 59 of them were already known whereas 9 species were new to science and described: Euphrosine cirribranchis, E. antarctica, Lacydonia elongata, Gyptis gracilis, Pionosyllis elephantensis, Sphaerosyllis palpopapillata, Aglaophamus paramalmgreni, Abyssoninoe orensanzi, Coralliotrocha composita. Three speciess could not be determined to species level because of incompleteness.
Southern Ocean: Antarctic and Subantarctic marine regions together (= E+W+S+M(+T))
Weddell Sea