BARBERA-CEBRIAN-C ; RIBEIRO-DA-CUNHA-M; SANCHEZ-JEREZ-P ; RAMOS-ESPLA-A-A (2001). Misidaceos asociados a fanerogamas marinas en el sudeste iberico.[Mysidacea associated with seagrass meadows off the southeast Iberian coast.] Boletin-Instituto-Espanol-de-Oceanografia.print] 2001; 17 (1-2): 97-106..
The present paper describes the Mysidacea associated with seagrass meadows on sandy bottoms from the southeast Iberian coast (El Campello, Alicante). The mysids were obtained using the hand-net method in different types of habitats: Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813 and Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson, 1869 meadows, posidonia meadows edges and sandy bottoms, at deep of 10 and 16 m. Eight species were identified: Siriella clausii, S. armata, Mysidopsis gibbosa, Anchialina agilis, Leptomysis posidoniae, L. buergii, Mesopodopsis slabberi y Paramysis helleri. Abundance varied according to the habitat. A key for the identification of these species is provided.