This paper describes two new species of syllids and comments upon two which are not previously recorded from the Channel area: 1)
Eurysyllis brevipes (Hartmann-Schröder), described from the Mediterranean under the new generic name of
Plakosyllis, which is reported here as a synonym; 2)
Dioplosyllis cirrosa n. gen., n. sp., a comparatively big worm, characterized by a new type of pharyngeal armature and by extremely long dorsal cirri; 3)
Brania swedmarki n. sp., a small interstitial species; 4)
Sphaerosyllis tetralix Eliason, previously known from Scandinavian waters.
All the species have been obtained in sand from stations located at depths of more than 10 meters. In addition,
Sphaerosyllis tetralix has been taken between tide-marks on different substrata. There follows a list of other syllids from a locality with Amphioxus-sand.