Kirkegaard, Jørgen B. (1959). The Polychaeta of West Africa Part I. Sedentary species. Atlantide Report. 5: 7-117.
Kirkegaard, Jørgen B.
The Polychaeta of West Africa Part I. Sedentary species
Atlantide Report
5: 7-117
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
Available for editors
None. Begins "Most of the polychaetes treated in this paper were collected by the "Atlantide"-Expedition along the west coast of Africa from the Canary Islands to Loanda in Angola during the years 1945-46. Included are also the polychaetes collected by the "Galathea"-Expedition in 1950 from the Canary Islands down to South Africa. Of the "Galathea" collections only the materials from depths lower than [less than] 400 meters are treated."