MarBEF Data System

[People] [Statistics]


Number of records in ERMS

  • all names: number of marine scientific names at all ranks (sum of species, genera, families,..., accepted and synonyms)
  • all species: number of marine species names (sum of accepted and synonyms) within the specific rank
  • acc. species: number of accepted marine species within the specific rank
  • acc. species non-marine: number of accepted non-marine species within the specific rank
  • Checked names: number of marine names (%) that have been checked by a Taxonomic Editor

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all names
all species
acc. species
acc. species non-marine
Checked names
83 05756 12032 1831 71080 682 (97%)
   Kingdom Animalia
68 87747 11226 66156068 552 (100%)
     Phylum Acanthocephala
15785640157 (100%)
     Phylum Annelida
5 3293 8642 174365 320 (100%)
     Phylum Arthropoda
15 25010 4607 69210315 196 (100%)
     Phylum Brachiopoda
14949390149 (100%)
     Phylum Bryozoa
1 5641 02378781 559 (100%)
     Phylum Chaetognatha
946441094 (100%)
     Phylum Chordata
4 5422 6762 2461144 373 (96%)
     Phylum Cnidaria
3 2312 0701 47063 227 (100%)
     Phylum Ctenophora
11750370116 (99%)
     Phylum Cycliophora
51105 (100%)
     Phylum Dicyemida
301817026 (87%)
     Phylum Echinodermata
2 7831 72464902 782 (100%)
     Phylum Entoprocta
736159173 (100%)
     Phylum Gastrotricha
38831625713388 (100%)
     Phylum Gnathostomulida
512725051 (100%)
     Phylum Hemichordata
422017042 (100%)
     Phylum Kinorhyncha
309255830309 (100%)
     Phylum Loricifera
52205 (100%)
     Phylum Mollusca
21 14414 7574 6671821 144 (100%)
     Phylum Nematoda
3 3962 4951 849583 343 (98%)
     Phylum Nematomorpha
1173011 (100%)
     Phylum Nemertea
7795703721774 (99%)
     Phylum Orthonectida
352719026 (74%)
     Phylum Phoronida
1299012 (100%)
     Phylum Placozoa
72107 (100%)
     Phylum Platyhelminthes
4 4932 8422 1851174 491 (100%)
     Phylum Porifera
4 1063 1771 51564 106 (100%)
     Phylum Priapulida
2087020 (100%)
     Phylum Rotifera
19011310243190 (100%)
     Phylum Tardigrada
150918335148 (99%)
     Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
3642491891364 (100%)
   Kingdom Bacteria
416202157430403 (97%)
     Phylum Cyanobacteria
407201156429401 (99%)
     Phylum Proteobacteria
41110 (0%)
   Kingdom Biota incertae sedis
21012 (100%)
   Kingdom Chromista
8 7465 7593 2543836 946 (79%)
     Phylum Bacillariophyta
31103 (100%)
     Phylum Bigyra
10554416102 (97%)
     Phylum Cercozoa
210113901205 (98%)
     Phylum Chromeridophyta
40001 (25%)
     Phylum Ciliophora
6503682462646 (99%)
     Phylum Cryptophyta
11575556107 (93%)
     Phylum Foraminifera
2 8591 9171 11502 859 (100%)
     Phylum Haptophyta
200120880198 (99%)
     Phylum Heterokontophyta
1 9411 264348229240 (12%)
     Phylum Myzozoa
1 4381 106750341 377 (96%)
     Phylum Ochrophyta
1 1046894831041 098 (99%)
     Phylum Oomycota
975237192 (95%)
   Kingdom Plantae
3 2882 2231 4732553 174 (97%)
     Phylum (Division) Bryophyta
112210 (0%)
     Phylum (Division) Charophyta
3211104429 (91%)
     Phylum (Division) Chlorophyta
916599389191911 (99%)
     Phylum (Division) Prasinodermatophyta
51105 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Rhodophyta
2 1781 5591 02772 173 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Tracheophyta
13451441246 (34%)
   Kingdom Protozoa
73537326450622 (85%)
     Phylum Amoebozoa
2411261001182 (76%)
     Phylum Apusozoa
51105 (100%)
     Phylum Choanozoa
2131439412199 (93%)
     Phylum Euglenozoa
149624137144 (97%)
     Phylum Loukozoa
1022010 (100%)
     Phylum Metamonada
1443012 (86%)
     Phylum Percolozoa
251310024 (96%)
     Phylum Sulcozoa
1252010 (83%)
     Kingdom Fungi
98445037431980 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Ascomycota
82240733311819 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Basidiomycota
7015141570 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Chytridiomycota
421716042 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Microsporidia
81108 (100%)
     Phylum (Division) Zygomycota
3188531 (100%)

Citations (Google scholar)

Citations for "European Register of Marine Species":


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