Historical quantitative benthos grab samples from the Southern Baltic Sea, collected by Polish researchers. The dataset was digitised at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel; Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences; Marine Ecology Division; Benthos Ecology section. more
The Polish data have been reconstructed from several sources:
Demel/Mankowski 1951
Demel/Mulicki 1954: Quantitative investigations on the biological bottom productivity of the South Baltic
Mulicki/Demel 1951-1955
Mulicki/Zmudzinski 1956-1957
Okolotowicz 1983: Assessment of pollution in the Bay of Gdansk from macrozoobenthos
Ostrowski 1968-1969
Ostrowski 1972
Ostrowski 1973
Ostrowski 1974
Ostrowski 1976
Thulin 1922: Bottenboniteringar i södra östersjön i samband med fisktralninger