Hafsteinn G. Gudfinnson, Høgni Debes, Tone Falkenhaug, Eilif Gaard, Ástthor Gislason, Hildur Petursdottir, Thorsteinn Sigurdsson, and Hedinn Valdimarsson. 2008. Abundance and productivity of the pelagic ecosystem along a transect across the northern Mid- Atlantic Ridge in June 2003. ICES CM 2008/C:12. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/2429
MAR-ECO (2003 - 2010)was an international exploratory study of the animals inhabiting the northern mid-Atlantic. Scientists from 16 nations around the northern Atlantic Ocean participated in research of the waters around the mid-Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to the Azores.
This data set is subset of the data collected, and comprises presence/absence records for zooplankton and nekton, collected in 2003 on R/V Arni Fridriksson. Contact person Thorsteinn Sigurdsson, Marine Research Institute, Iceland, e-mail: steini@hafro.is