Petrov A. & Revkov N., 1986: Jalta-Black Sea dataset – IBSS, Sevastopol. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), Ukraine.
Area of sample {sampled area} from the bed [BODC] Biomass Count Count (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC] Salinity Temperature in water
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), more, data owner, data creator
Petrov, A.N. (2000). Benthic monitoring in the Northern Black sea: overview and implications for the new UNESCO initiative on determining indicators of benthic health, in: Hyland, J. et al.Ad hoc benthic indicator group. Results of initial planning meeting, Paris, France, 6-9 december 1999. Technical Series. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission = Série technique, 57: pp. 30-39, more
Petrov, A.N. (2000). Responses of the Black Sea macrobenthic communities upon organic enrichment impact of bottom sediments. Ecologiya morya = Ecology of Sea 51: 45-51, more