Biology, Biology > Benthos, Biology > Ecology - biodiversity
Marine/Coastal, Data, Disturbances, Harbour areas, Harpacticoid copepods, Heavy metals, Marine Genomics, Marine pollution, Meiobenthos, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Greece, Crete, Harpacticoida, Harpacticoida, Harpacticoida, Harpacticoida, Nematoda, Nematoda
Cadmium (Cd): Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment (HCMR)
For the determination of metal concentrations sediment samples were freeze-dried, homogenized and digested in concentrated suprapure HN03 with the addition of an oxydizing agent. After digestion and centrifugation the metal concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption using Zeeman background correction and autosampler. Certified reference material was analysed along with the samples to control the accuracy of the method.
Chlorophyll a: Modified from Strickland & Parsons (1972)
Strickland, J.D. & Parsons, T.R. (1972). A practical handbook of seawater analysis, 2nd edition. Bulledin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 167, 1-310.
Chromium (Cr): Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment (HCMR)
For the determination of metal concentrations sediment samples were freeze-dried, homogenized and digested in concentrated suprapure HN03 with the addition of an oxydizing agent. After digestion and centrifugation the metal concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption using Zeeman background correction and autosampler. Certified reference material was analysed along with the samples to control the accuracy of the method.
Chromium (Cr): Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment (HCMR)
For the determination of metal concentrations sediment samples were freeze-dried, homogenized and digested in concentrated suprapure HN03 with the addition of an oxydizing agent. After digestion and centrifugation the metal concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption using Zeeman background correction and autosampler. Certified reference material was analysed along with the samples to control the accuracy of the method.
Copper (Cu): Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment (HCMR)
For the determination of metal concentrations sediment samples were freeze-dried, homogenized and digested in concentrated suprapure HN03 with the addition of an oxydizing agent. After digestion and centrifugation the metal concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption using Zeeman background correction and autosampler. Certified reference material was analysed along with the samples to control the accuracy of the method.
Lead (Pb): Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment (HCMR)
For the determination of metal concentrations sediment samples were freeze-dried, homogenized and digested in concentrated suprapure HN03 with the addition of an oxydizing agent. After digestion and centrifugation the metal concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption using Zeeman background correction and autosampler. Certified reference material was analysed along with the samples to control the accuracy of the method.
Median grain size: Buchanan (1984)
Buchanan, J.B. (1984). Sediment analysis. In: N.A. Holme, A.D. McIntyre (Eds), Methods for the study of Marine Benthos., (pp. 41-65). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Particulate organic carbon (POC): Modified from Strickland & Parsons (1972)
Strickland, J.D. & Parsons, T.R. (1972). A practical handbook of seawater analysis, 2nd edition. Bulledin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 167, 1-310.
Phaeopigments: Modified from Strickland & Parsons (1972)
Strickland, J.D. & Parsons, T.R. (1972). A practical handbook of seawater analysis, 2nd edition. Bulledin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 167, 1-310.
Phaeopigments: Modified from Strickland & Parsons (1972)
Strickland, J.D. & Parsons, T.R. (1972). A practical handbook of seawater analysis, 2nd edition. Bulledin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 167, 1-310.
Silt-clay percentage: Buchanan (1984)
Buchanan, J.B. (1984). Sediment analysis. In: N.A. Holme, A.D. McIntyre (Eds), Methods for the study of Marine Benthos., (pp. 41-65). Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.