Advanced system integration for managing the coordinated operation of robotic ocean vehicles, more
Benefits of marine protected areas: testing the theory with field experiments, more
Biodiversity, biogeography and bioaccumulation in mesopelagic fishes of the North Atlantic: a study for Luso-American co-operation, more
Biogeography and biodiversity of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: an international cooperative study, more
Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective, more
Climatic effects on the ecology of littoral fishes: A geographic and phenological approach, more
Coastal marine habitats, thematic mapping of the seabed using GIS, AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) & ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicles), more
Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States, more
Deep-sea & Extreme Environments, Patterns of Species and Ecosystem Time Series, more
Deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a natural pollution laboratory, more
Development of a Miniaturized Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Habitat Mapping, more
Ecology and conservation of the temporally segregated populations of the Madeiran storm petrel Oceanodroma castro breeding in the Azores, more
Ecology and population structure of bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales in the Azores: assessing the relationship with habitat features, more
Effects of Marine Reserves: Bio-telemetry in the Azores, more
ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe, more
European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System
European marine protected areas as tools for fisheries management and conservation, more
Extreme ecosystem studies in the deep ocean: technological developments, more
Functioning of FOOD WEbs across ecosystems of different BIOdiversity level, more
Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe, more
Integrated management of coastal and marine areas in the Azores, more
Integrated management of coastal and marine zones in the Azores
Integration of different methods to study patterns and changes in pelagic biodiversity in the open ocean along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, more
Knowledge, promotion and valorisation for a sustainable use of marine protected areas in Macaronesia, more
Location and characterisation of hydrothermal vents of the AMAR segment, more
Management of marine protected areas in Macaronesia (Azores, Canaries and Madeira), more
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe, more
Monitoring deep sea floor hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Marie Curie Research Training Network, more
Neuro-ethology and behavioural endocrinology of the polymorphic male sexual behaviour of the rock-pool Azorean blenny Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis (Pisces: Blenniidae), more
Castro, N.; Carlton, J.T.; Costa, A.C.; Marques, C.S.; Hewitt, C.L.; Cacabelos, E.; Lopes, E.; Gizzi, F.; Gestoso, I.; Monteiro, J.; Costa, J.L.; Parente, M.I.; Ramalhosa, P.; Fofonoff, P.; Chainho, P.; Haroun, R.; Santos, R.S.; Herrera, R.; Marques, T.A.; Ruiz, G.M.; Canning-Clode, J. (2022). Diversity and patterns of marine non‐native species in the archipelagos of Macaronesia. Diversity Distrib. 28(4): 667-684.
Monteiro, J.G.; Jiménez, J.L.; Gizzi, F.; Prikryl, P.; Lefcheck, J.S.; Santos, R.S.; Canning-Clode, J. (2021). Novel approach to enhance coastal habitat and biotope mapping with drone aerial imagery analysis. NPG Scientific Reports 11(1): 574.
Cascao, I.; Lammers, M.O.; Prieto, R.; Santos, R.S.; Silva, M.A. (2020). Temporal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging activity of oceanic dolphins at seamounts in the Azores. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 11 pp.
Moura, C.J.; Lessios, H.A.; Cortés, J.; Nizinski, M.S.; Reed, J.; Santos, R.S.; Collins, A.G. (2018). Hundreds of genetic barcodes of the species-rich hydroid superfamily Plumularioidea (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) provide a guide toward more reliable taxonomy. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 14 pp.
Schmiing, M.; Diogo, H.; Santos, R.S.; Afonso, P. (2014). Assessing hotspots within hotspots to conserve biodiversity and support fisheries management. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 513: 187-199.
Monteiro, J.G.; Costa, C.F.; Gorlach-Lira, K.; Fitt, W.K.; Stefanni, S.S.; Sassi, R.; Santos, R.S.; LaJeunesse, T.C. (2013). Ecological and biogeographic implications of Siderastrea symbiotic relationship with Symbiodinium sp. C46 in Sal Island (Cape Verde, East Atlantic Ocean). Mar. Biodiv. 43(4): 261-272.
Braga-Henriques, A.; Carreiro-Silva, M.; Tempera, F.; Porteiro, F.M.; Jakobsen, K.; Albuquerque, M.; Santos, R.S. (2012). Carrying behavior in the deep-sea crab Paromola cuvieri (Northeast Atlantic). Mar. Biodiv. 42(1): 37-46.
Vandeperre, F.; Higgins, R.M.; Sánchez-Meca, J.; Maynou, F.; Goñi, R.; Martín-Sosa, P.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A.; Afonso, P.; Bertocci, I.; Crec'hriou, R.; D'Anna, G.; Dimech, M.; Dorta, C.; Esparza, O.; Falcón, J.M.; Forcada, A.; Guala, I.; Le Diréach, L.; Marcos, C.; Ojeda-Martínez, C.; Pipitone, C.; Schembri, P.J.; Stelzenmüller, V.; Stobart, B.; Santos, R.S. (2011). Effects of no-take area size and age of marine protected areas on fisheries yields: a meta-analytical approach. Fish Fish. 12(4): 412-426.
Querouil, S.; Freitas, L.; Cascao, I.; Alves, F.; Dinis, A.; Almeida, J.R.; Prieto, R.; Borras, S.; Matos, J.A.; Mendonça, D.; Santos, R.S. (2010). Molecular insight into the population structure of common and spotted dolphins inhabiting the pelagic waters of the Northeast Atlantic. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 157(11): 2567-2580.
Afonso, P.; Fontes, J.; Morato, T.; Holland, K.N.; Santos, R.S. (2008). Reproduction and spawning habitat of white trevally, Pseudocaranx dentex, in the Azores, central north Atlantic. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 72(2): 373-381
Domingues, V.S.; Alexandrou, M.; Almada, V.C.; Robertson, D.R.; Brito, A.; Santos, R.S.; Bernardi, G. (2008). Tropical fishes in a temperate sea: evolution of the wrasse Thalassoma pavo and the parrotfish Sparisoma cretense in the Mediterranean and the adjacent Macaronesian and Cape Verde Archipelagos. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 154(3): 465-474.
Higgins, R.M.; Vandeperre, F.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A.; Santos, R.S. (2008). Priorities for fisheries in marine protected area design and management: Implications for artisanal-type fisheries as found in southern Europe. J. Nat. Conserv. 16(4): 222-233.
Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Magalhaes, S.; Seabra, M.I.; Santos, R.S.; Hammond, P.S. (2008). Ranging patterns of bottlenose dolphins living in oceanic waters: implications for population structure. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156: 179-192.
Domingues, V.S.; Almada, V.C.; Santos, R.S.; Brito, A.; Bernardi, G. (2007). Phylogeography and evolution of the triplefin Tripterygion delaisi (Pisces, Blennioidei). Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 150: 509-519.
Morato, T.; Afonso, P.; Carvalho, N.; Lourinho, P.; Santos, R.S.; Krug, H.M.; Nash, R.D.M. (2007). Growth, reproduction and recruitment patterns of the wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas Delaroche (Pisces: Bothidae), from the Azores. Mar. Biol. Res. 3(6): 403-411.
Walton, M.J.; Silva, M.A.; Magalhães, S.M.; Prieto, R.; Santos, R.S. (2007). Using blubber biopsies to provide ecological information about bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) around the Azores. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 87(1): 223-230.
Cardigos, F.; Tempera, F.; Ávila, S.; Gonçalves, J.; Colaço, A.; Santos, R.S. (2006). Non-indigenous marine species of the Azores. Helgol. Mar. Res. 60(2): 160-169, more
Colaço, A.; Raghukumar, C.; Mohandass, C.; Cardigos, F.; Santos, R.S. (2006). Effect of shallow water venting in Azores on a few marine biota. Cah. Biol. Mar. 47(4): 359-364., more
Kádár, E.; Costa, V.; Santos, R.S.; Powell, J.J. (2006). Tissue partitioning of micro-essential metals in the vent bivalve Bathymodiolus azoricus and associated organisms (endosymbiont bacteria and a parasite polychaete) from geochemically distinct vents of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. J. Sea Res. 56(1): 45-52.
Barreiros, J.P.; Figna, V.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Santos, R.S. (2004). Seasonal changes in a sandy beach fish assemblage at Canto Grande, Santa Catarina, South Brazil. J. Coast. Res. 20(3): 862-870.[862:SCIASB]2.0.CO;2
Barreiros, J.P.; Morato, T.; Santos, R.S.; de Borba, A.E. (2003). Interannual diet changes in the diet of the Almaco Jack, Seriola rivoliana (Perciformes: Carangidae) from the Azores. Cybium 27(1): 37-40
Carvalho, N.; Afonso, P.; Santos, R.S. (2003). The haremic mating system and mate choice in the wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas. Environ. Biol. Fish. 66(3): 249-258.
Miranda, J.A.; Oliveira, R.F.; Carneiro, L.A.; Santos, R.S.; Grober, M.S. (2003). Neurochemical correlates of male polymorphism and alternative reproductive tactics in the Azorean rock-pool blenny, Parablennius parvicornis. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 132(2): 183-189.
Morato, T.; Afonso, P.; Santos, R.S.; Krug, H.M.; Nash, R.D.M. (2003). The reproduction, age and growth of the spotted rockling. J. Fish Biol. 62(6): 1450-1455.
Morato, T.; Afonso, P.; Lourinho, P.; Nash, R.D.M.; Santos, R.S. (2003). Reproductive biology and recruitment of the white sea bream in the Azores. J. Fish Biol. 63(1): 59-72.
Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Cabecinhas, R.; Cruz, A.; Gonçalves, J.M.; Santos, R.S. (2003). Occurrence and distribution of cetaceans in the waters around the Azores (Portugal), Summer and Autumn 1999-2000. Aquat. Mamm. 29(1): 88-98
Silva, M.A.; Prieto, R.; Magalhães, S.; Cabecinhas, R.; Cruz, A.; Gonçalves, J.M.; Santos, R.S. (2003). Occurrence and distribution of cetaceans in the waters around the Azores (Portugal), summer and autumn 1999-2000. Aquat. Mamm. 29(1): 77-83
Sousa, L.; Barreiros, J.P.; Soares, M.S.C.; Hostim-Silva, M.; Santos, R.S. (2003). Preliminary notes on the reproductive biology of the lizardfish, Synodus saurus (Actynopterygii : Synodontidae) in the Azores. Cybium 27(1): 41-45
Barreiros, J.P.; Santos, R.S.; Borba, A.E. (2002). Food habits, schooling and predatory behaviour of the yellowmouth barracuda, Sphyraena viridensis (Perciformis: Sphyraenidae) in the Azores. Cybium 26(2): 83-88
Magalhães, S.; Prieto, R.; Silva, M.A.; Gonçalves, J.; Afonso-Dias, M.; Santos, R.S. (2002). Short-term reactions of sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus, to whale-watching vessels in the Azores. Aquat. Mamm. 28(3): 267-274
Oliveira, R.F.; Carvalho, N.; Miranda, J.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Grober, M.S.; Santos, R.S. (2002). The relationship between the presence of satellite males and nest-holders' mating success in the Azorean rock-pool blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis. Ethology 108: 223-235.
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Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, R.F.; Almeida, A.J.; Santos, R.S.; Wirtz, P. (2001). Patterns of diversity of the north-eastern Atlantic blenniid fish fauna (Pisces: Blenniidae). Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 10(4): 411-422
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Oliveira, R.F.; Canário, A.V.M.; Grober, M.S.; Santos, R.S. (2001). Endocrine correlates of male sexual polymorphism and alternative tactics in the Azorean rock-pool blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 121(3): 278-288
Oliveira, R.F.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Santos, R.S. (2001). Gonadal investment of young males in two blenniid fishes with alternative mating tactics. J. Fish Biol. 59(2): 459-462
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Santos, R.S.; Escartín, J.; Colaço, A.; Adamczewska, A.M. (Ed.) (2002). Towards planning of seafloor observatory programs for the MAR region: Proceedings of the II MoMar Workshop Horta, 14-17 June 2002. Arquipélago (Ciénc. Biol. Mar./Life Mar. Sci.) Suppl. 3: 1-64
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Santos, R.S.; De la Cerda Gomes, C.; Porteiro, F.M.; Gallagher, L. (2008). An amazing journey to the marine ecosystems of the Azores and interactive DVD. 2nd. Edition. Virtual Centre of Marine Interpretation (CIMV): Azores. ISBN 978-972-8612-33-7. 2 dvds (60 mins.) pp.
Vandeperre, F.; Higgins, R.; Santos, R.S.; Marcos, C.; Pérez Ruzafa, A.; García-Charton, J.A.; Lozano, I.J.; Mangi, S.; Maynou, F.; Salas, F. (Ed.) (2008). Fishery regimes in Atlanto-Mediterranean European Marine Protected Areas. EMPAFISH Project Booklet, 2. Editum: Murcia. ISBN 978-84-8371-724-0. 108 pp.
Pitcher, T.J.; Morato, T.; Hart, P.J.B.; Clark, M.R.; Haggan, N.; Santos, R.S. (Ed.) (2007). Seamounts: Ecology, fisheries & conservation. Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, 12. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford. ISBN 978-1-4051-3343-2. XXI, 527 pp.
Santos, R.S.; De la Cerda Gomes, C.; Porteiro, F.M.; Gallagher, L. (2006). An amazing journey to the marine ecosystems of the Azores [DVD]. Virtual Centre of Marine Interpretation (CIMV): Azores. ISBN 978-972-8612-33-7. 1 dvd + poster pp.
Bettencourt, R.; Barros, I.; Martins, E.; Martins, I.; Cerqueira, T.; Colaço, A.; Costa, V.; Rosa, D.; Froufe, H.; Egas, C.; Stefanni, S.; Dando, P.; Santos, R.S. (2016). An insightful model to study innate immunity and stress response in deep‐sea vent animals: Profiling the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus, in: Ray, S. (Ed.) Organismal and Molecular Malacology. pp. 161-187.
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Santos, R.S. (2004). Summary of discussions on Topic 3: Marine Protected Areas: Natura 2000 and beyond (OSPAR) - the Azores, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al.Electronic conference on 'Marine biodiversity research that matters!': summary of discussions, 15 to 26 November 2004. pp. 27-29
van der Land, J.; Costello, M.J.; Zavodnik, D.; Santos, R.S.; Porteiro, F.M.; Bailly, N.; Eschmeyer, W.N.; Froese, R. (2001). Pisces - Chondrichthyes, in: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50: pp. 358-360, more
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