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one publication added to basket [110283]
Development of a test program for the prediction of ship manoeuvrability in deep and shallow water
Eloot, K.; Vantorre, M. (2006). Development of a test program for the prediction of ship manoeuvrability in deep and shallow water, in: Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies, September, 25-27, 2006, Festival and Congress Centre, Varna, Bulgaria. pp. 53-58
In: (2006). Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies, September, 25-27, 2006, Festival and Congress Centre, Varna, Bulgaria. Scientific and Technical Unions: Varna. ISBN 954-90919-9-6. 369 pp.

Available in  Authors 
  • Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 139639 [ download pdf ]
  • Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Congresverslagen P11 [120630]
Document type: Conference paper

    Containers > Tanks > Towing tanks
    Models > Mathematical models
    Models > Scale models > Ship models
    Vehicles > Surface craft > Ships > Merchant ships > Container ships
    Vehicles > Surface craft > Ships > Merchant ships > Tanker ships
    Water > Deep water
    Water > Shallow water

Authors  Top 
  • Eloot, K.
  • Vantorre, M.

    As in many coastal and estuary areas, navigation to and in the Belgian harbours takes place in environmental and operational conditions which differ from the design conditions of sea-going ships: water depth to draft ratios vary between 2.0 and 1.1 which means that the under keel clearance is often restricted to 10% of the ship’s draft. In addition, low ship velocities have to be considered as manoeuvring in harbour areas is characterised by a wide range of speed - propeller rpm combinations. Based on the results of captive model tests executed in the Towing Tank for Manoeuvres in Shallow Water (co-operation Flanders Hydraulics Research - Ghent University, Antwerp, Belgium) with a 6000 TEU containership and the tanker Esso Osaka, an optimized test program has been developed for the determination of a mathematical manoeuvring model in later-ally unrestricted water. Contrary to deep water and service speed the selected test types and test parameters will influence the measured contributions of the modules hull, propeller and rudder in shallow water: as an example, stationary oblique towing and harmonic sway tests may lead to dif-ferent results, while the reliability of the test results is much more sensitive to the selected test pa-rameters during PMM tests. Due to the reduced under keel clearance even unusual phenomena may occur.

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Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)

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