On the Ecological Impacts of Beach Nourishments, more
Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
Publicatie van een atlas en een CD-ROM ter valorisatie van het project MACROBEL
Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment
Scientific and institutional capacity building for implementing European marine policy in the Black Sea Region
Spatial and Temporal Assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies
Spatial and Temporal assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies - phase II
Study on the lateral input of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
The development and realisation of the first phase of the ScheldeMonitor information system in the framework of "Research and Monitoring long-term planning Scheldt estuary" (LTV O&M)
Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MarBEF: PROviding an e-Platform for the European Taxonomists, more
NSBS: Craeymeersh J., P. Kingston, E. Rachor, G. Duineveld, Carlo Heip, Edward Vanden Berghe, 1986: North Sea Benthos Survey., more
RAMS: De Broyer, C.; Clarke, A.; Koubbi, P.; Pakhomov, E.; Scott, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. and Danis, B. (Eds.) (2025). Register of Antarctic Marine Species. Accessed at https://www.marinespecies.org/rams on yyyy-mm-dd, more
MACROBEL: Degraer, S.; Wittoeck, J.; Appeltans, W.; Cooreman, K.; Deprez, T.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M. (2006) Macrobel: Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf. Oostende, Belgium. Http://www.vliz.be/vmdcdata/macrobel/, more
MYSIDLAN: Deprez, T.; Mees, J.; Wooldridge, T.; Vincx, M. (2001). MYSIDLAN 4.0 Taxonomy and biodiversity of shallow coastal Mysidacea of the Western Indian Ocean [CD-ROM]. Magda Vincx, Marine Biology Section: Gent, Belgium. 1 cd-rom pp., more
Macroben: MarBEF (2005). Macroben, an integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves. http://www.vliz.be/imis/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=631, more
MASDEA: Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). Data from MASDEA, Marine Species Database for
Eastern Africa, provided by Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)., more
Coro, G.; Magliozzi, C.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Bailly, N.; Ellenbroek, A.; Pagano, P. (2016). Estimating absence locations of marine species from data of scientific surveys in OBIS. Ecol. Model. 323: 61-76. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.12.008
Vanden Berghe, E.; Coro, G.; Bailly, N.; Fiorellato, F.; Aldemita, C.; Ellenbroek, A.; Pagano, P. (2015). Retrieving taxa names from large biodiversity data collections using a flexible matching workflow. Ecological Informatics 28: 29-41. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.05.004
Fujioka, E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Donnelly, B.; Castillo, J.; Cleary, J.; Holmes, C.; McKnight, S.; Halpin, P. (2012). Advancing global marine biogeography research with Open-source GIS software and Cloud Computing. Trans. GIS 16(2): 143-160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9671.2012.01310.x
O'dor, R.; Boustany, A.M.; Chittenden, C. M.; Costello, M.J.; Moustahfid, H.; Payne, J.; Steinke, D.; Stokesbury, M.J.W.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2012). A census of fishes and everything they eat: how the Census of Marine Life advanced fisheries science. Fisheries 37(9): 398-409. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03632415.2012.714323
Tyler, E.H.M.; Somerfield, P.J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Bremmer, J.; Jackson, E.; Langmead, O.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Webb, T.J. (2012). Extensive gaps and biases in our knowledge of a well-known fauna: implications for integrating biological traits into macroecology. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 21(9): 922-934. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00726.x
Kröncke, I.; Reiss, H.; Eggleton, J.D.; Aldridge, J.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Cochrane, S.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Desroy, N.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Essink, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Moll, A.; Nehring, S.; Newell, R.; Oug, E.; Pohlmann, T.; Rachor, E.; Robertson, M.; Rumohr, H.; Schratzberger, M.; Smith, R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Dalfsen, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Willems, W.; Rees, H.L. (2011). Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities and species distribution between 1986 and 2000. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 94(1): 1-15. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2011.04.008
Reiss, H.; Degraer, S.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Kröncke, I.; Aldridge, J.N.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Eggleton, J.D.; Hillewaert, H.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Moll, A.; Pohlmann, TH.; Rachor, E.; Robertson, M.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Van Hoey, G.; Rees, H.L. (2010). Spatial patterns of infauna, epifauna, and demersal fish communities in the North Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 67(2): 278-293. dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsp253
Tittensor, D.P.; Mora, C.; Jetz, W.; Lotze, H.K.; Ricard, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Worm, B. (2010). Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa. Nature (Lond.) 466(7310): 1098-1101. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature09329
Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Kraberg, A.C.; Anisimova, N.; Antoniadou, C.; Araújo, R.; Bartsch, I.; Beker, B.; Benedetti-Cecchi, L.; Bertocci, I.; Cochrane, S.J.; Cooper, K.M.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Christou, E.; Crisp, D.J.; Dahle, S.; De Boissier, M.; de Kluijver, M.; Denisenko, S.; De Vito, D.; Duineveld, G.; Escaravage, V.; Fleischer, D.; Fraschetti, S.; Giangrande, A.; Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; Janas, U.; Karez, R.; Kedra, M.; Kingston, P.; Kuhlenkamp, R.; Libes, M.; Martens, P.; Mees, J.; Mieszkowska, N.; Mudrak, S.; Munda, I.; Orfanidis, S.; Orlando-Bonaca, M.; Palerud, R.; Rachor, E.; Reichert, K.; Rumohr, H.; Schiedek, D.; Schubert, P.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Pinto, I.S.; Southward, A.J.; Terlizzi, A.; Tsiaga, E.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Warzocha, J.; Wasmund, N.; Weslawski, J.M.; Widdicombe, C.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zettler, M.L. (2010). Data integration for European marine biodiversity research: creating a database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and long-term changes. Hydrobiologia 644(1): 1-13. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-010-0108-z
Veit-Köhler, G.; De Troch, M.; Grego, M.; Bezerra, T.N.; Bonne, W.; De Smet, G.; Folkers, C.; George, K.H.; Guotong, C.; Herman, R.; Huys, R.; Lampadariou, N.; Laudien, J.; Arbizu, P.M.; Rose, A.; Schratzberger, M.; Seifried, S.; Somerfield, P.J.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M.; Vriser, B.; Vandepitte, L. (2010). Large-scale diversity and biogeography of benthic copepods in European waters. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 157(8): 1819-1835. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-010-1454-0, more
Arvanitidis, C.; Somerfield, P.J.; Rumohr, H.; Faulwetter, S.; Valavanis, V.D.; Vasileiadou, A.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Labrune, C.; Grémare, A.; Zettler, M.L.; Kedra, M.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Bachelet, G.; Büntzow, M.; Cochrane, S.J.; Costello, M.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Degraer, S.; Denisenko, S.G.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Emblow, C.; Escavarage, V.; Fabri, M.-C.; Fleischer, D.; Gray, J.S.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Janas, U.; Karakassis, I.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Kotwicki, L.; Laudien, J.; Mackie, A.S.Y.; Nevrova, E.L.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Oliver, P.G.; Olsgard, F.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rose, A.; Sardá, R.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Speybroeck, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Zenetos, A. (2009). Biological geography of the European seas: results from the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 265-278. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps07955, more
Grémare, A.; Labrune, C.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Amouroux, J.M.; Bachelet, G.; Zettler, M.L.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Fleischer, D.; Bigot, L.; Maire, O.; Deflandre, B.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Laudien, J.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Rachor, E.; Sardá, R.; Speybroeck, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zenetos, A. (2009). Comparison of the performances of two biotic indices based on the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 297-311. http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps08030, more
O'Dor, R.K.; Fennel, K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2009). A one ocean model of biodiversity. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 56(19-20): 1816-1823. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.023
Schratzberger, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.J.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2009). The impact of seabed disturbance on nematode communities: linking field and laboratory observations. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(4): 709-724. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-008-1122-9, more
Soetaert, K.; Franco, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Muthumbi, A.; Steyaert, M.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vanaverbeke, J. (2009). Factors affecting nematode biomass, length and width from the shelf to the deep sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 392: 123-132. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps08202, more
Somerfield, P.J.; Arvanitidis, C.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R. (2009). MarBEF, databases, and the legacy of John Gray. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 221-224. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps08045, more
Somerfield, P.J.; Arvanitidis, C.; Faulwetter, S.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Vasileiadou, A.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Denisenko, S.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Grémare, A.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, K.; Kotwicki, L.; Labrune, C.; Laudien, J.; Nevrova, E.L.; Nicolaidou, A.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rumohr, H.; Sardá, R.; Janas, U.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2009). Assessing evidence for random assembly of marine benthic communities from regional species pools. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 279-286. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps07934, more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Claus, S.; Appeltans, W.; Faulwetter, S.; Arvanitidis, C.; Somerfield, P.J.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Bachelet, G.; Cochrane, S.J.; Costello, M.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Degraer, S.; Denisenko, S.; Deprez, T.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Emblow, C.; Escaravage, V.; Fabri, M.-C.; Fleischer, D.; Grémare, A.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Kotwicki, L.; Labrune, C.; Laudien, J.; Nevrova, E.L.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Olsgard, F.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rumohr, H.; Sardá, R.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Speybroeck, J.; Janas, U.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zenetos, A.; Zettler, M.L.; Heip, C.H.R. (2009). MacroBen integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves: a tool for large-scale analysis across Europe. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 225-238. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps07826, more
Fleischer, D.; Grémare, A.; Labrune, C.; Rumohr, H.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Zettler, M.L. (2007). Performance comparison of two biotic indices measuring the ecological status of water bodies in the Southern Baltic and Gulf of Lions. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 54(10): 1598-1606. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.06.011, more
Costello, M.J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Browman, H.I. (2006). Ocean biodiversity informatics (OBI): Introduction. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 316: 201-202, more
Costello, M.J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). ‘Ocean biodiversity informatics’: a new era in marine biology research and management. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 316: 203-214. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps316203, more
Chavan, V.; Achuthankutty, C.T.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Wafar, M. (2005). IndOBIS, an Ocean Biogeographic Information System for assessment and conservation of Indian Ocean biodiversity. Indian J. Mar. Sci. 34(1): 120-127
Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). MASDEA: Marine species database for Eastern Africa. Indian J. Mar. Sci. 34(1): 128-135
Tack, J.F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Polk, F. (1992). Ecomorphology of Crassostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) (Ostreidae) in a mangrove creek (Gazi, Kenya). Hydrobiologia 247: 109-117
Vanden Berghe, W.; Bergmans, M. (1981). Differential food preferences in three co-occurring species of Tisbe (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 4: 213-219
Danis, B.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2012). Bridging disciplines to address complex questions: The need for data publication. Environ. Bioindic. 3(2): 136-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15555270802266094
Vandepitte, L.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Bezerra, T.N.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2009). The MANUELA database: an integrated database on meiobenthos from European marine waters. Meiofauna Mar. 17: 35-60, more
Eggleton, J.D.; Smith, R.; Reiss, H.; Rachor, E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Rees, H.L. (2007). Species distributions and changes (1986-2000), in: Rees, H.L. et al. (Ed.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 288: pp. 91-108
Rees, H.L.; Eggleton, J.D.; Rachor, E.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). Introduction, in: Rees, H.L. et al. (Ed.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 288: pp. 5-6
Rees, H.L.; Eggleton, J.D.; Rachor, E.; Vanden Berghe, E. (Ed.) (2007). Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 288. ICES: Copenhagen. ISBN 87-7482-058-3. III, 258 + annexes pp., more
Van Hoey, G.; Rees, H.L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). A comparison of indicators reflecting the status of the North Sea benthos, in: Rees, H.L. et al. (Ed.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 288: pp. 116-127
Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). Integrating environmental data from heterogeneous sources: lessons learned in MARBEF. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. 38: 13
Vanden Berghe, E.; Rees, H.L.; Eggleton, J.D. (2007). NSBP 2000 data management, in: Rees, H.L. et al. (Ed.) Structure and dynamics of the North Sea benthos. ICES Cooperative Research Report, 288: pp. 7-20
Beenaerts, N.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Comparative study of three transect methods to assess coral cover, richness and diversity. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 4(1): 29-37
Seys, J.; Pissierssens, P.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). Marine data management: we can do more, but can we do better? Ocean Challenge 13(2): 20-24
Haspeslagh, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). IMIS, de eerste Vlaamse mariene informatiedatabank = IMIS, the first Flemish marine information database. Bibliotheek- & Archiefgids 79(2): 12-16
Haspeslagh, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). IMIS: Integrated Marine Information System, in: Markham, J.W. et al.Managing Resources in a Sea of Change: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) and the 9th Conference of the European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC), joint IAMSLIC/EURASLIC Conference held 14-19 October, 2001 at Brest, France. IAMSLIC Conference Series, 9: pp. 37-63
Samyn, Y.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2000). Annotated checklist of the echinoderms from the Kiunga Marine National Reserve, Kenya: 1. Echinoidea and Holothuroidea. J. East Afr. Nat. Hist. 89(1): 1-36, 2 plates. https://dx.doi.org/10.2982/0012-8317(2000)89[1:ACOTEF]2.0.CO;2
Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Costello, M.J.; Pissierssens, P. (Ed.) (2007). Proceedings Ocean Biodiversity Informatics: International Conference on Marine Biodiversity Data Management, Hamburg, Germany 29 November to 1 December, 2004. VLIZ Special Publication, 37. IOC Workshop Report, 202. VI, 192 pp., more
Cattrijsse, A.; Claus, S.; D’haenens, T.; Haspeslagh, J.; T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vandepitte, L. (2006). IMIS Integrated Marine Information System Input Manual version 1.0 December 2006. Version 1.0. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. 139 pp.
Degraer, S.; Wittoeck, J.; Appeltans, W.; Cooreman, K.; Deprez, T.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M. (2006). L'atlas du macrobenthos de la partie belge de la Mer du Nord. Politique scientifique fédérale: Bruxelles. ISBN 90-810081-7-X. 164, photographs, 1 cd-rom pp., more
Degraer, S.; Wittoeck, J.; Appeltans, W.; Cooreman, K.; Deprez, T.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M. (2006). The macrobenthos atlas of the Belgian part of the North Sea. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. ISBN 90-810081-6-1. 164, photographs, 1 cd-rom pp., more
Degraer, S.; Wittoeck, J.; Appeltans, W.; Cooreman, K.; Deprez, T.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M. (2006). De macrobenthosatlas van het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee. Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid: Brussel. ISBN 90-810081-5-3. 164, photographs, 1 cd-rom pp., more
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2006). Europese duurzaamheidsindicatoren voor kustgebieden in Nederland: een eerste inventarisatie = European sustainability indicators for coastal zones in The Netherlands: a first inventory. VLIZ Special Publication, 31. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISBN 90-81008-14-5. 128 pp.
Emblow, C.S.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2004). Electronic conference on ‘Sustaining Livelihoods and Biodiversity - attaining the 2010 target in the European Biodiversity Strategy’: summary of discussions, 13 to 30 April, 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. III, 30 pp., more
Heip, C.H.R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Mees, J. (2004). Electronic conference on 'Marine biodiversity research that matters!': summary of discussions, 15 to 26 November 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. IX, 35 pp.
Magni, P.; Malej, A.; Moncheva, S.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2004). Electronic conference on 'The Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea: new challenges for marine biodiversity research and monitoring': summary of discussions, 6 to 24 September, 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. VIII, 108 pp., more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Brown, M.; Costello, M.J.; Heip, C.H.R.; Levitus, S.; Pissierssens, P. (Ed.) (2004). Proceedings 'The Colour of Ocean Data': international symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data Brussels, Belgium, November 25-27, 2002. VLIZ Special Publication, 16. IOC Workshop Report, 188. X, 308 pp.
Arvanitidis, C.; Eleftheriou, A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (2003). Electronic conference on 'Marine Biodiversity in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea': summary of discussions, 7 to 20 April, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 3. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. IV, 74 pp., more
Hiscock, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2003). Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. VI, 55 pp., more
Weslawski, J.M.; Ojaveer, H.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (2003). Electronic conference on ‘Newly Associated States and Marine Biodiversity Research’: summary of discussions, 2 - 12 June 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 4. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. V, 63 pp., more
Brown, M.; Costello, M.J.; Heip, C.H.R.; Levitus, S.; Mees, J.; Pissierssens, P.; Vanden Berghe, E. (Ed.) (2002). The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. XI, 93 pp.
Duarte, C.M.; Jaume, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (2002). Electronic conference on 'European Heritage under Threat: Marine Biodiversity in Mediterranean Ecosystems': summary of discussions, April 22 to May 3, 2002. MARBENA Proceedings, 1. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. III, 48 pp., more
Josefson, A.B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2002). Electronic conference on 'Marine Biodiversity in the Baltic and the European context': summary of discussions 5 to 20 September 2002. MARBENA Proceedings, 2. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. III, 37 pp., more
Vanden Berghe, E.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2001). Electronic conference on MARine biodiversity in Europe (M@rble): summary of discussions, 8-26 October 2001. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. III, 43 pp., more
Miloslavich, P.; Archambault, P.; Bax, N.J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Boustany, A.; Brandt, A.; Butler, A.J.; Clarke, M.; Collette, B.B.; Dulvy, N.K.; Edwards, M.; Escobar-Briones, E.; Fujikura, K.; Gobin, J.; Graves, J.E.; Griffiths, C.L.; Griffiths, H.J.; Halpin, P.N.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Kaschner, K.; Lascelles, B.; Li, X.; Morato, T.; Moretzsohn, F.; Nakaoka, M.; Obura, D.; Ojaveer, H.; Pepin, P.; Raghunathan, C.; Reeves, R.R.; Rice, J.; Sato, M.; Schillinger, G.; Simpfendorfer, C.A.; Tunnell Jr., J.W.; Tunnicliffe, V.; Snelgrove, P.; Stocks, K.; Tarzia, M.; Venkataraman, K.; Wallace, B.; Wanless, R.M.; Webb, T.; Yamano, H. (2017). Extent of assessment of marine biological diversity, in: The Group of Experts of the Regular Process (Ed.) The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment I. pp. 525-554
Snelgrove, P.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Miloslavich, P.; Archambault, P.; Bailly, N.; Brandt, A.; Bucklin, A.; Clarke, M.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Halpin, P.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Kaschner, K.; Lascelles, B.; Levin, L.A.; Menden-Deuer, S.; Metaxas, A.; Obura, D.; Reeves, R.R.; Rynearson, T.A.; Sato, M.; Stocks, K.; Tarzia, M.; Tittensor, D.; Tunnicliffe, V.; Wallace, B.; Wanless, R.; Webb, T.; Bernal, P.; Rice, J.; Rosenberg, A.A. (2017). Global patterns in marine biodiversity, in: The Group of Experts of the Regular Process (Ed.) The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment: World Ocean Assessment I. pp. 501-523
Blower, J.D.; Hankin, S.C.; Keeley, R.; Pouliquen, S.; de la Beaujardière, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Reed, G.; Blanc, F.; Gregg, M.C.; Fredericks, J.; Snowden, D. (2010). Ocean data dissemination: new challenges for data integration, in: Hall, J. et al.Proceedings of OceanObs'09: sustained ocean observations and information for society, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. pp. [no pag.]. https://dx.doi.org/10.5270/OceanObs09.pp.05
O'dor, R.; Acosta, J.; Bergstad, O.A.; Brainard, R.; Brattey, J.; Canals, M.; Costa, D.; Gjerde, K.; Gunn, J.; Horne, J.K.; Iken, I; Kocik, J.; Konar, B.; Payne, J.; Reid, C.; Robison, B.; Steinke, D.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2010). Bringing life to ocean observation, in: Hall, J. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of OceanObs'09: sustained ocean observations and information for society, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. pp. [no pag.]
Vanden Berghe, E.; Stocks, K.I.; Grassle, J.F. (2010). Data integration: The Ocean Biogeographic Information System, in: Mcintyre, A.D. (Ed.) Life in the world's oceans: diversity, distribution, and abundance. pp. 333-353
Vanden Berghe, E.; Halpin, P.N.; Da Silveira, F.L.; Stocks, K.; Grassle, F. (2009). Integrating biological data into ocean observing systems: the future role of OBIS, in: Hall, J. et al. (2010). Proceedings of OceanObs'09: sustained ocean observations and information for society, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009. pp. [no pag.]. https://dx.doi.org/10.5270/OceanObs09.cwp.91
Vanaverbeke, J.; Courtens, W.; Deneudt, K.; Franco, M.A.; Gysels, E.S.; Hellemans, B.; Huyse, T.; Larmuseau, M.; Mees, J.; Moodley, L.; Pampoulie, C.; Provoost, P.; Remerie, T.; Soetaert, K.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Van de walle, M.; van Oevelen, D.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Vincx, M. (2007). TROPHOS: Fundamental research for policy and sustainable management, in: Calewaert, J.-B. et al. (Ed.) Science and sustainable management of the North Sea: Belgian case studies. pp. 21-81
Vanden Berghe, E.; Costello, M.J. (2007). Ocean Biodiversity Informatics - an emerging field of science, in: Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings Ocean Biodiversity Informatics: International Conference on Marine Biodiversity Data Management, Hamburg, Germany 29 November to 1 December, 2004. VLIZ Special Publication, 37: pp. 1-6, more
Vandepitte, L.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Campinas Bezerra, T. (2007). Developing an integrated database to perform joint analyses: MANUELA (Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity Unravelling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [17]
Zintzen, V.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Degraer, S.; Norro, A.; Mallefet, J. (2007). Noordzeewrakken: Hotspots voor biodiversiteit = Épaves de la Mer du Nord: Zones de haute diversité biologique = North Sea wrecks: Hotspots for biodiversity = Schiffswracks in der Nordsee: Heisses Eisen für die Biodiversität, in: Zeebroek, I. et al. (Ed.) Verdronken Verleden = Passé Submergé = Drowned Past = Ertrunkene Vergangenheit. pp. 80-83
Millard, K.; Atkinson, R.; Woolf, A.; Lowry, R.; Haaring, P.; Hernandez, F.; Hamre, T.; Pillich, D.; Bothien, H.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Johnson, I.; Matthews, B.; Dahlin, H.; Flemming, N.; Vladymyrov, V.; MacKenzie, B.; Edwards, A.; van der Hoeven, W.; Harphen, Q.; Ross, G. (2006). MarineXML - Have we achieved pre-standardisation?, in: Dahlin, H. et al.European operational oceanography: present and future: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on EuroGOOS. pp. 488-493
Appeltans, W.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Gegevens- en informatiebeheer binnen het STARDUST project, in: Wartel, M. et al.Onze onderwaterbodems: verzegelde bewaarkast of tijdbom? Infosessie, Menen, 3 juni 2005 = Nos lits de rivières: enfouissement définitif ou bombe à retardement? Session d'information, Menin, 3 juin 2005. pp. 25-26
Deprez, T.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M. (2004). NeMys: a multidisciplinary biological information system, in: Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings 'The Colour of Ocean Data': international symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data Brussels, Belgium, November 25-27, 2002. IOC Workshop Report, 188: pp. 57-63, more
Fondo, E.N.; Osore, M.K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). The Marine Species Database for Eastern Africa (MASDEA), in: Vanden Berghe, E. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings 'The Colour of Ocean Data': international symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data Brussels, Belgium, November 25-27, 2002. IOC Workshop Report, 188: pp. 65-70
Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). Practical organisation and statistics, in: Magni, P. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on 'The Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea: new challenges for marine biodiversity research and monitoring': summary of discussions, 6 to 24 September, 2004. pp. 104-106, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). Practical organisation and statistics, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al.Electronic conference on 'Marine biodiversity research that matters!': summary of discussions, 15 to 26 November 2004. pp. 33-34
Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). IMIS: Een kennis- en informatiesysteem voor mariene, brakke en getijgebonden wateren, in: Watersysteemkennis: "waterforum", vrijdag 31 januari 2003, Brussel. pp. [1-6] + 8p. handouts, more
Samyn, Y.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). Annotated checklist of the echinoderms from the Kiunga Marine National Reserve, Kenya: 1. Echinoidea and Holothuroidea, in: Samyn, Y. Towards an understanding of the shallow-water holothuroid fauna (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of the western Indian Ocean. pp. 157-185, 2 pls.
T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). What you want is what you get: a web interface for World Ocean Database 98, in: T'Jampens, R. (2002). Een web-interface voor WOD98: stagescriptie. pp. 69v
Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). Organisation and statistics, in: Hiscock, K. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5: pp. 53-54
Vanden Berghe, E.; Schrijvers, J.; Seys, J.; Mees, J. (2002). Geïntegreerd kustzonebeheer vereist geïntegreerd informatiebeheer: IMIS als hulpmiddel voor ICZM, in: Van Lancker, V.R.M. et al. (Ed.) Colloquium 'Kustzonebeheer vanuit geo-ecologische en economische invalshoek', 16-17 mei 2002, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 10: pp. 1-11
Tack, J.F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Polk, F. (1992). Ecomorphology of Crassostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) (Ostreidae) in a mangrove creek (Gazi, Kenya), in: Jaccarini, V. et al. (Ed.) The Ecology of Mangrove and Related Ecosystems: Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Mombasa, Kenya, 24-30 September 1990. Developments in Hydrobiology, 80: pp. 109-117
Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Vandepitte, L.; Herman, P.; Holdsworth, N.; Maudire, G.; Ó Tuama, É.; Pesant, S.; Schaap, D.M.A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vladymyrov, V.; Hernandez, F. (2011). Progress towards a European portal on marine species observations, in: The future of the 21st century ocean: Marine Sciences and European Research Infrastructures. An International Symposium, 28th June - 1 July 2011 Brest, France. pp. 31
Christos, A.; Faulwetter, S.; Appeltans, W.; Vasileiadou, A.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Markantonatou, V.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; MarBEF Data Contributors (2011). Biodiversity pattern interrelations in ecosystem components: a sythesis from the databases assembled during the MarBEF NoE, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011. Our Oceans, Our Future: Oral Abstract Booklet. pp. 76
Vanden Berghe, E.; Grassle, J.F.; Bailly, N.; Claereboudt, M.; Danis, B. (2011). The Ocean Biogeographic Information System: current state and future plans, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011. Our Oceans, Our Future: Oral Abstract Booklet. pp. 65
Vanden Berghe, E.; Herlach, B.; Bailly, N.; Claereboudt, M.; Danis, B.; von St Ange, U. (2011). Integrating biogeographic data in OBIS: challenges in standardisation of taxonomic names, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011. Our Oceans, Our Future: Oral Abstract Booklet. pp. 66
Claus, S.; Vandepitte, L.; Appeltans, W.; Deneudt, K.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J.; Heip, C.H.R.; Holdsworth, N.; Maudire, G.; McDonough, N.; Ó Tuama, É.; Pesant, S.; Pissierssens, P.; Schaap, D.M.A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vladymyrov, V. (2010). Development of a Marine Biological Data Portal within the framework of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNet), in: Fichaut, M. et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS 2010, 29-31 March 2010, Paris, France: Book of abstracts. pp. 57
Tittensor, D.P.; Mora, C.; Jetz, W.; Lotze, H.K.; Ricard, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Worm, B. (2010). Global marine species diversity and richness: patterns and predictors, in: A decade of discovery: Census of Marine Life 2010. The J. Frederick Grassle Scientific Symposium on the Census of Marine Life: Poster abstracts. pp. [1]
Appeltans, W.; Costello, M.J.; Vanhoorne, B.; Decock, W.; Vandepitte, L.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). Aphia for a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 27
Appeltans, W.; Costello, M.J.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). A World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) for use in marine and biodiversity data management, in: Iona, Sissy et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS-2008, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Athens, Greece: Book of abstracts. pp. 22
Appeltans, W.; Costello, M.J.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). EurOBIS, an online atlas for European marine species distribution data, in: Iona, Sissy et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS-2008, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Athens, Greece: Book of abstracts. pp. 43
Arvanitidis, C.; Somerfield, P.; Rumohr, H.; Faulwetter, S.; Valavani, V.; Vasileiadou, K.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Labrune, C.; Gremare, A.; Zettler, M.L.; Kedra, M.; Wiodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Fleischer, D.; Büntzow, M.R. (2008). The Biological Geography of the European Seas: results from the macrofaunal inventory of the soft-substrate communities, in: Iona, Sissy et al. (Ed.) International Marine Data and Information Systems Conference IMDIS-2008, 31 March - 2 April 2008, Athens, Greece: Book of abstracts. pp. 23
Grassle, J.F.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). OBIS for beginners, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 2
Renaud, P.; Bjørgesæter, A.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.; Labrune, C.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.; Webb, T.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Claus, S. (2008). Latitudinal patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity on European continental shelves: insights from the MARBEF database, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1, more
Schratzberger, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). The impact of seabed disturbance on the diversity of meiofauna communities? Linking field and laboratory observations, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1
Vanaverbeke, J.; Franco, M.; Steyaert, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Muthumbi, A.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Soetaert, K. (2008). Nematode size and shape from the shelf to the deep sea: adaptations to benthic ecosystem functioning, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 2
Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). Analysis of species richness patterns as apparent from OBIS data, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1
Wambjii, N.; Nsiangango, S.E.; Mint, A.; Zamouri, N.; Mussai, P.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vandepitte, L. (2008). ODINAFRICA: marine biodiversity data (Molluscs, Decapods and Porifera), in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 2
Arvanitidis, C.; Faulwetter, S.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Paterson, G. (2007). PROPE-taxon - Web Accessible Taxonomic Expertise in MARBEF: PROviding a e-Platform for the European Taxonomists, in: Marbef General Assembly - Science Meeting. The value of biodiversity observatories and monitoring for science and society, Sopot & Gdynia, Poland, 14-16 May 2007: book of abstracts. pp. 10
Brackez, R.; Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). Simple online access to marine survey data using the IMERS web interface, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 23
Claus, S.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2007). Development of the ENCORA portal: an internet based facility supporting EU-wide contact search for ICZM related science, practice, and policy communities, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 25
Deneudt, K.; Brackez, R.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). IMERS, a general data system for storage of marine survey data Anno 2007, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 32-33
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Belpaeme, K.; Maelfait, H.; Vanhoorne, A.; Hernández, F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2007). Indicators and information systems in support of integrated coastal zone management in Belgium, the southern North Sea and Europe, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 41
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Belpaeme, K.; Maelfait, H.; Vanhoorne, A.; Hernández, F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2007). Indicators for sustainable development and information systems in support of integrated coastal zone management in Belgium, the southern North Sea and Europe, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 42
Schratzberger, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.; Austen, M.; McEvoy, A.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). Response of nematode communities to physical perturbation: role of man-made impacts, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [18]
Vanaverbeke, J.; Franco, M.A.; Lampadariou, N.; Muthumbi, A.; Steyaert, M.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Soetaert, K. (2007). Nematode morphometry from the shelf to the deep sea in European marine water, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [21]
Vandepitte, L.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). MANUELA: developing an integrated database to perform joint analyses, in: Marbef General Assembly - Science Meeting. The value of biodiversity observatories and monitoring for science and society, Sopot & Gdynia, Poland, 14-16 May 2007: book of abstracts. pp. 38-39
Veit-Köhler, G.; De Troch, M.; Grego, M.; Bonne, W.; Borut, V.; Folkers, C.; Gee, M.; George, K.H.; Guotong, C.; Herman, R.; Huys, R.; Lampadariou, N.; Arbizu, P.M.; Rose, A.; Schratzberger, M.; Somerfield, P.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vandepitte, L. (2007). Large scale patterns in harpacticoid copepod diversity - exploring the MANUELA data base, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [22], more
Appeltans, W.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Hummel, H. (2006). The marine science job & candidate finder, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 20, more
Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). Europe counts marine life, in: Konjevic, S. et al. (Ed.) Open Waters - Open Sources: 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC), 4-6th May 2005, Split, Croatia. pp. 173, more
Claus, S.; Deckers, P.; Vanhoorne, B.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). Developments and geographic interface of the VLIMAR gazetteer, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 25
Costello, M.J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Cunningham, C.; Rotenberg, S. (2006). Origins of the North East and North West Atlantic marine biota, in: ICES 2006 Annual Science Conference 19-23 September; Business meetings 17-26 September, 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Handbook; Contributions, agendas and orders of the day: abstracts. pp. 139
Deckers, P.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). The VLIZ maritime boundaries geodatabase, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 29
Deckers, P.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). The VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase as a biogeographical tool, in: ICES 2006 Annual Science Conference 19-23 September; Business meetings 17-26 September, 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Handbook; Contributions, agendas and orders of the day: abstracts. pp. 228
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). Integrating environmental data from heterogeneous sources: dangers and pitfalls, in: ICES 2006 Annual Science Conference 19-23 September; Business meetings 17-26 September, 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Handbook; Contributions, agendas and orders of the day: abstracts. pp. 221
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2006). European sustainability indicators for the coastal zone of the Netherlands: a first inventory, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 43
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). Large scale comparisons and databases MarBEF: lessons learned from data integration, in: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning EU Network of Excellence: General Assembly - Science Meeting Lecce (Italy) 9-11 May 2006: Book of Abstracts. pp. 3, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). The European Register of Marine Species: tool for data integration, in: ICES 2006 Annual Science Conference 19-23 September; Business meetings 17-26 September, 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Handbook; Contributions, agendas and orders of the day: abstracts. pp. 227
Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B. (2006). EurOBIS & Co, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 59, more
Zintzen, V.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Degraer, S.; Norro, A.; Mallefet, J. (2006). North Sea wrecks: hotspots for biodiversity = Wrakken in de Noordzee: hotspots van biodiversiteit, in: Pieters, M. et al. (Ed.) Colloquium: To sea or not to sea - 2nd international colloquium on maritime and fluvial archaeology in the southern North Sea area, Brugge (Belgium), 21-23 September 2006: book of abstracts = Colloquium: Ter zee of niet ter zee - 2de internationaal colloquium over maritieme en fluviale archeologie in het zuidelijke Noordzeegebied, Brugge (België), 21-23 september 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 32: pp. 39, 40
Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Europe counts marine life, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 19, more
Claus, S.; Deckers, P.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). The VLIMAR gazetteer, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 23
Deneudt, K.; Vanhoorne, A.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). The IMERS database, an integrated way of storing marine environmental readings and samplings, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 30
Deneudt, K.; T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2005). ScheldeMonitor, het online informatiesysteem rond onderzoek en monitoring van het Schelde estuarium = ScheldeMonitor, the online information system on research and monitoring of the Scheldt estuary, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 29
Haspeslagh, J.; Deneudt, K.; T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Revolutions in the IMIS world, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 40
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vanhoorne, A.; Bracke, S.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2005). Indicators of sustainable development for monitoring, communication and management guidance in the SAIL coastal region, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 43
Appeltans, W.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). A taxonomic and biogeographic information system of marine species in the southern North Sea developed by Flanders Marine Institute, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 54, more
Appeltans, W.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). How many species are there in the North Sea?, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 32, more
Belpaeme, K.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). Sustainability indicators for the Belgian coast, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 34-35
Deprez, T.; Vincx, M.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). NeMys: an evolving biological information system, a state of art, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 21
Hernandez, F.; Vanhoorne, B.; T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). Web mapping services for biological data, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 67
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Mees, J.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Belpaeme, K. (2004). Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in the southern North Sea: sustainability indicators for communication, monitoring and management guidance, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 56
Millard, K.; Hernandez, F.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). Integration of biological information with other information classes: the experiences of the IOC/IODE MarineXML initiative, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 81
Rees, H.; Rachor, E.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). The ICES North Sea Benthos Project: objectives and data management, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 95
Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Cattrijsse, A.; Bulckaen, B. (2004). TISBE: Taxonomic Information System for the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Segers, H. et al. (Ed.) 'Scientific tools for biodiversity conservation: monitoring, modelling and experiments': Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy meeting held under the Belgian EU Presidency, 2-4 December 2001, Brussels. pp. 207, more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Costello, M.J.; Emblow, C. (2004). European Register for Marine Species version 2.0: data management, current status and plans for the future, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 29
Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W. (2004). The European Register for Marine Species revived, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 77
Vanhoorne, B.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). EurOBIS: the European node of the ocean biogeographic information system, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 105, more
Zintzen, V.; Massin, Cl.; Norro, A.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Degraer, S.; Steyaert, M.; Vincx, M.; Mallefet, J. (2004). Belgian shipwrecks: hotspots for marine biodiversity, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 85
Appeltans, W.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). TISBE & APHIA: on-line biological databases for marine species in Belgium and adjacent areas, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 63, more
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). An inventory of the lateral input for the Sea Scheldt, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 33
Dumon, G.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Dehenauw, D. (2003). Hydrometeo system Flemish banks, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 66
Hernandez, F.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). Marine information and data acquisition system, in: Mees, J. et al.VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 68
Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). Organisation and statistics, in: Arvanitidis, C. et al.Electronic conference on 'Marine Biodiversity in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea': summary of discussions, 7 to 20 April, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 3: pp. 57-58
Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). Organisation and statistics, in: Weslawski, J.M. et al.Electronic conference on ‘Newly Associated States and Marine Biodiversity Research’: summary of discussions, 2 - 12 June 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 4: pp. 45-46
Verslycke, T.; Ghekiere, A.; Fockedey, N.; Roose, P.; De Wasch, K.; Vethaak, D.; Mees, J.; Monteyne, E.; Noppe, H.; Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vincx, M.; De Brabander, H.; Janssen, C.R. (2003). The Endis-Risks project: endocrine disruption in the Scheldt estuary: distribution, exposure and effects, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 59
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2002). An inventory of the lateral input for the Sea Scheldt, in: Goethals, P. et al.Ecological informatics applications in water management conference, Gent (Belgium), 6-7 November 2002: Abstract book. pp. 12
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2002). An inventory for lateral input into the Sea Scheldt, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 48
Dumon, G.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Dehenauw, D. (2002). Hydrometeo system Flemish Banks, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 58
Fondo, E.N.; Osore, M.K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). MASDEA, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 61
Hernandez, F.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2002). Marine Information and Data Acquisition System, in: INMARTECH 2002 [CD-ROM]. pp. 39
Hernandez, F.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). Marine information and data acquisition system, in: 3rd EuroGOOS Conference: Building the European capacity in operational oceanography 3-6 December 2002 Athens, Greece: Abstracts. pp. 208
Hernandez, F.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). Marine Information and Data Acquisition System, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 64
T'Jampens, R.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). What you want is what you get: a web interface for World Ocean Database 98, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 87
Vanden Berghe, E. (2002). The North Sea Benthos Project: integrating biogeographical data from various sources, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 89, more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Cattrijsse, A.; Bulckaen, B. (2002). TISBE: Taxonomic Information System for the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 13 March 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 7: pp. 50, more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Dumon, G.; Dehenauw, D. (2002). Hydrometeo system Flemish banks, in: 3rd EuroGOOS Conference: Building the European capacity in operational oceanography 3-6 December 2002 Athens, Greece: Abstracts. pp. 175
Vanden Berghe, E.; Deneudt, K.; Mees, J. (2002). TISBE: Taxonomic Information System for the BElgian continental shelf, in: Brown, M. et al.The Colour of Ocean Data: International Symposium on oceanographic data and information management, with special attention to biological data. Brussels, Belgium, 25-27 November 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 11: pp. 90, more
Claus, S.; Vandepitte, L.; Deneudt, K.; Hernandez, F.; Mees, J.; Vanhoorne, B.; Waumans, F.; Costello, M.J.; Garthe, S.; Herman, P.; Pesant, S.; Pinn, E.H.; Stienen, E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Webb, T.; Arvanitidis, C. (2012). Report of the Biological Data Analysis Workshop of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). VLIZ Special Publication, 56. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 35 pp.
Ardron, J.; Dunn, D.; Corrigan, C.; Gjerde, K.; Halpin, P.; Rice, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vierros, M. (2009). Defining ecologically or biologically significant areas in the open oceans and deep seas: analysis, tools, resources and illustrations. IUCN: [s.l.]. iv, 24 + annexes pp.
Mallefet, J.; Zintzen, V.; Massin, C.; Norro, A.; Vincx, M.; De Maersschalck, V.; Steyaert, M.; Degraer, S.; Cattrijsse, A.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2008). Belgian shipwreck: hotspots for marine biodiversity BEWREMABI: final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 151 pp.
Arijs, K.; Versonnen, B.; Vangheluwe, M.; Vanhoorne, B.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J.; Ghekiere, A.; Janssen, C.R. (2007). DIMAS Development of an integrated database for the management of accidental spills. Part 2. Global change, ecosystems and biodiversity - SPSDII: final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 69 pp.
Kröncke, I.; Reiss, H.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Desroy, N.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Duineveld, G.; Eggleton, J.D.; Essink, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Moll, A.; Nehring, S.; Newell, J.; Oug, E.; Pohlmann, T.; Rachor, E.; Rees, H.L.; Robertson, M.; Rumohr, H.; Schratzberger, M.; Smith, R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Dalfsen, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Willems, W. (2007). Changes in North Sea macrofauna communities between 1986 and 2000. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:06). ICES: Copenhagen. 19 pp.
Rees, H.L.; Eggleton, J.D.; Rachor, E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Aldridge, J.N.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Bolam, T.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Desroy, N.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Essink, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Irion, G.; Kershaw, P.J.; Kröncke, I.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Mason, C.; Nehring, S.; Newell, R.; Oug, E.; Pohlmann, T.; Reiss, H.; Robertson, M.; Rumohr, H.; Schratzberger, M.; Smith, R.; van Dalfsen, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Willems, W. (2007). The ICES North Sea Benthos Project 2000: aims, outcomes and recommendations. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:21). ICES: Copenhagen. 22 pp.
Reiss, H.; Rees, H.L.; Kröncke, I.; Aldridge, J.N.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Bolam, T.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Desroy, N.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Eggleton, J.D.; Hillewaert, H.; Kershaw, P.J.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Mason, C.; Moll, A.; Nehring, S.; Newell, R.; Oug, E.; Pohlmann, T.; Rachor, E.; Robertson, M.; Rumohr, H.; Schratzberger, M.; Smith, R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; van Dalfsen, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Willems, W. (2007). Infauna, epifauna and demersal fish communities in the North Sea: community patterns and underlying processes. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:10). ICES: Copenhagen. 21 pp.
Vanaverbeke, J.; Franco, M.A.; Remerie, T.; Vanreusel, A.; Vincx, M.; Moodley, L.; Soetaert, K.; van Oevelen, D.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.; Van de walle, M.; Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Draisma, S.; Hellemans, B.; Huyse, T.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Van den Eynde, D. (2007). Higher trophic levels in the southern North Sea “TROPHOS”: Final report EV/25. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 89 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E.; Rees, H.L.; Eggleton, J.D. (2007). North Sea Benthos Project 2000 Data Management. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:18). ICES: Copenhagen. 15 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E.; Konovalov, S.K.; Moncoiffé, G. (2007). Group of Experts-Biological and chemical data management and exchange practices (GE-BICH), Trieste, Italy, 12-16 March 2007. UNESCO: Paris. 5 pp.
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vandepitte, L.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). EU duurzaamheidsindicatoren voor kustgebieden in Nederland: eerste tussentijds verslag, juli 2005. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 16, bijlagen [diff. pag.] pp.
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vandepitte, L.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). EU duurzaamheidsindicatoren voor kustgebieden in Nederland: tweede tussentijds verslag, september 2005. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 20, bijlagen [diff. pag.] pp.
Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Vandepitte, L.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). EU duurzaamheidsindicatoren voor kustgebieden in Nederland: technisch eindverslag, november 2005. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. [Diff. Pag.] pp.
Wartel, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Fischer, J.-C.; Leermakers, M.; Ouddane, B.; Billon, G.; Bodineau, L.; Gabelle, C.; Garnier, C.; Grare, C.; Barthe, J.F.; Gao, Y.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; de Lichtervelde, K.; Mees, J. (2005). STARDUST (Spatial and Temporal Assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies): Final Report - annexes. VLIZ Special Publication, 27. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 92 pp.
Wartel, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Fischer, J.-C.; Leermakers, M.; Ouddane, B.; Billon, G.; Bodineau, L.; Gabelle, C.; Garnier, C.; Grare, C.; Barthe, J.F.; Gao, Y.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; de Lichtervelde, K.; Mees, J. (2005). STARDUST (Spatial and Temporal Assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies): Final Report. VLIZ Special Publication, 26. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 35 pp., more
Deneudt, K.; Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). De ScheldeMonitor. Visiedocument voor de uitbouw van een informatiesysteem voor Onderzoek en Monitoring van het Schelde-estuarium. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 16 + bijlagen pp.
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). Studie naar de zijdelingse belasting in het Vlaams gedeelte van het Schelde-estuarium. Perceel NR. 7 van bestek 16El/01/37: onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het Sigmaplan, baggeractiviteiten en havenuitbreiding in de Zeeschelde op het milieu: Eindrapport. VLIZ Special Publication, 14. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 254 pp.
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). Oplijsting langdurige meetreeksen Schelde-estuarium: inventarisatie onderzoek en monitoring. Ref. St/2003.C. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 57 + annexes pp.
Haspeslagh, J.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). Doorlichting van en samenwerking met de bibliotheek van de afdeling Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium en Hydrologisch Onderzoek (WLH) van de administratie Waterwegen en Zeewezen (AWZ). Adviesnota VLIZ. AN/2003/1. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 11 + annex. pp.
Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). Reports on activities of the IODE group of experts: IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GEBCDMEP). Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO): Paris. 3 + annex pp.
Rees, H.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; de Kluijver, M.; Degraer, S.; Desroy, N.; Dewarumez, J.-M.; Duineveld, G.; Essink, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Kilbride, R.; Kröncke, I.; Nehmer, P.; Rachor, E.; Reiss, H.; Robertson, M.; Rumohr, H.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Van Hoey, G. (2002). The North Sea Benthos Project: planning, management and objectives. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2002(L:09). ICES: Copenhagen. 10 pp., more
Appeltans, W.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Hummel, H. (2006). Jobs, images, projects and publications. MarBEF Newsletter 4: 12-14, more
Appeltans, W.; Haspeslagh, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). MarBEF publishing revisited. MarBEF Newsletter 5: 16-17, more
Claus, S.; Arvanitidis, C.; Fleddum, A.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). MarBEF theme 1: global patterns of marine biodiversity across ecosystems. Progress with theme I data analysis activities. MarBEF Newsletter 4: 3-4, more
Cuvelier, D.; Claus, S.; Appeltans, W.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Costello, M.J. (2006). European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) - plans turning into reality ! MarBEF Newsletter 4: 14-15, more
Deckers, P.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). The VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase as a biogeographical tool. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2006(M:48). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 1 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). European Register of Marine Species. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2006(M:47). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 1 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). MarBEF data management. MarBEF Newsletter 4: 12, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). MarBEF data management. MarBEF Newsletter 5: 14, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). EUROBIS: growing in numbers. MarBEF Newsletter 5: 15, more
Appeltans, W.; Haspeslagh, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Publish wisely or perish? An open archive for MarBEF. MarBEF Newsletter 3: 13, more
Costello, M.J.; Grassle, J.F.; Zhang, Y.; Stocks, K.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Where is what, and what is where? Online mapping of marine species. MarBEF Newsletter 2: 20-22, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). MarBEF data management. MarBEF Newsletter 3: 11, more
Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). MarBEF data pages launched. MarBEF Newsletter 2: 10, more
Vanden Berghe, E.; Costello, M.J. (2005). Ocean Biodiversity Informatics: report from International Conference on “Marine Biodiversity Data Management” Hamburg, Germany 29th November to 1st December 2004. MarBEF Newsletter 2: 16-17, more
Appeltans, W.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2004). MARBEF data management. MarBEF Newsletter 1: 8-9, more
Deneudt, K.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2003). Oplijsting langdurige meetreeksen Schelde-estuarium: inventarisatie onderzoek en monitoring [CD-ROM]. Data-CD. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 1 cd pp.
Mees, J.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2003). IMIS Integrated Marine Information System: een kennis- en informatiesysteem voor mariene, brakke en getijgebonden wateren. Water Nieuwsbrief 7: 1-4
Samyn, Y.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2000). Faunistics as an impetus for conservation of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the littoral waters of Kenya. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 2000(Mini:14). ICES: Copenhagen. 1 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E.; Samyn, Y. (2000). The use of databases for conservation of sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the littoral waters of Kenya. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 2000(Mini:15). ICES: Copenhagen. 1 pp.
Vanden Berghe, E. (Ed.) (1998). WIOBASE Data and Information [CD-ROM]. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Institute: Mombasa. 1 cd-rom pp.
Vanden Berghe, E.; Odido, M. (1998). RECOSCIX-WIO, WIOBASE Data and Information [CD-ROM]. Version 1.1. KBP Kenya/KMFRI: Mombasa. cd-rom pp.
Huysseune, A.; Vanden Berghe, W.; Verraes, W. (1986). The contribution of chondroid bone in the growth of the parasphenoid bone of a cichlid fish as studied by oblique computer-aided reconstructions. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 54: 131-141
Mwaura, J.M. (2007). Analysis of reef ecology and fisheries information for a small-scale fishery management in Diani-Chale, southern Kenya: a GIS and RDBMS application. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen/Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel. 59 pp.
Kanyange, W.N. (2006). Data management tool to assess the status of artisanal reef fisheries: the case of Diani-chale and Gazi, Kenya. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ECOMAMA): Brussel. 39 + Appendixes pp.
Trombetti, A. (2005). The hyperbenthos of the Southern North Sea: spatial and temporal analysis of communities and fish postlarvae. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent; MARELAC: Gent. 46 pp.
Vandenberghe, F. (2005). Online biodiversity analyses tools. Graduate Thesis. Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen, Departement Simon Stevin: Brugge. 49 pp.
Librando, E.G. (2002). Belgian shrimp fishing: an Access database for 1947-1966, a brief historic overview 1935-1998. MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 43 pp.
T'Jampens, R. (2002). Een web-interface voor WOD98: stagescriptie. Graduate Thesis. Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen: Brugge. 62 pp.
Joseck, D. M. (1991). Aspects of ecomorphology of the mangrove oyster, Crassostrea cucullata, Born (Bivalvia). BSc Thesis. University of Nairobi/KBP Kenya: Nairobi. 55 pp.
Tack, J.F. (1990). Ecomorfologie van de mangroveoester Crassostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) = Ecomorphology of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea cucullata (Born, 1778). MSc Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 97 pp.
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