Pathological and ecotoxicological study of sea birds and sea mammals in the North Sea and adjoining areas
Dutch title: Pathologische en ecotoxicologische studie van zeevogels en zeezoogdieren in de Noordzee en aangrenzende gebieden Parent project: Impulsprogramme "Marine Sciences", more Funder identifier: MS/A1/03 (Other contract id) Period: October 1992 till March 1997 Status: Completed
To collect, centralise, and identify seabirds and marine mammals found dead in the North Sea and adjacent areas.To analyse them from the anatomo-pathological (Coignoul) and from the toxicological point of view (Bouquegneau and Joiris).Through a coordinated discussion of the results and a comparison with literature data, to look for conclusions in three main directions: - to establish the causes of mortality and the health status of seabirds and marine mammals populations, - to establish the links between the contamination of the marine environment and the marine top predators, - and to describe and understand the accumulation, excretion and detoxification mechanisms of stable residues in the top predators of the marine environment.
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