Stratigraphic analysis of the Priabonian and Rupelian, the-Oligocene transition, in North Belgium as a basis for correlation with the classical marine basins in the Northern Hemisphere
Dutch title: Stratigrafische analyse van het Priaboniaan-Rupeliaan, Eo-Oligoceen transitie, in Noord-België als basis voor correlatie met de klassieke mariene sedimentatiebekkens uit het Noordelijk Halfrond Funder identifier: G009301N (Other contract id) Period: January 2001 till December 2004 Status: Completed
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences; Historical Geology
Vandenberghe, Noël, promotor
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; Department of Paleontology
Steurbaut, Etienne, promotor
Brinkhuis, Henk, promotor
Flemish Government; Economy, Science and Innovation; Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), sponsor
The objective is to document the biostratigraphy, the physical stratigraphy, the stable isotope signature and the sequence stratigraphy of the Priabonian and Rupelian, and hence the Eo-Oligocene transitional strata through the analysis of the available cores and the relevant outcrops in North Belgium. This area is relevant because of the presence of the body stratotypes of the Rupelian and of the regional, time related, Tongrian stage. This analysis should form the basis for correlations with the classical marine Tertiary sedimentary basins in the northern hemisphere. The multidisciplinary approach will consist of quantitative and qualitative analyses of dinoflagellate cysts, calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera and other calcareous microfossils such as ostracodes and pteropodes of the suty of stable isotopes of oxygen (ev. carbon), of grainsize trands a/of clay minerals in the Priabonian-Rupelian strata.
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