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Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms: Theory, instrumentation and modelling
Babin, M.; Roesler, C.S.; Cullen, J.J. (Ed.) (2008). Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms: Theory, instrumentation and modelling. Oceanographic Methodology Series. UNESCO: Paris. ISBN 978-92-3-104042-9. 807 pp.
Part of: Oceanographic Methodology Series. UNESCO: Paris. ISSN 0077-104X

Available in  Authors 
    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Plantae and Bryophyta BOT.111 [100939]

    Algal blooms
    In situ measurements
    Physics > Mechanics > Dynamics
    Remote sensing

Authors  Top 
  • Babin, M., editor
  • Roesler, C.S., editor
  • Cullen, J.J., editor

    The proliferation of harmful phytoplankton in marine ecosystems can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, impact local and regional economies and dramatically affect ecological balance. Real-time observations are essential for effective short-term operational forecasting, but observation and modelling systems are still being developed. This volume offers guidance for developing real-time and near real-time sensing systems for observing and predicting plankton dynamics, including harmful algal blooms, in coastal waters. It explains the underlying theory and discusses current trends in research and monitoring. Topics treated include: coastal ecosystems and dynamics of harmful algal blooms; theory and practical applications of in situ and remotely sensed optical detection of microalgal distributions and composition; theory and practical applications of in situ biological and chemical sensors for targeted species and toxin detection; integrated observing systems and platforms for detection; diagnostic and predictive modelling of ecosystems and harmful algal blooms, including data assimilation techniques; observational needs for the public and government; and future directions for research and operations.This anthology should inform the work of researchers and environmental monitors as well as teachers and trainers concerned with understanding the causes, predicting the occurrences and mitigating the effects of harmful algal blooms in marine ecosystems.

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Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)

Responsive Mode Programme (RMP) - Marie Nordstrom, copyright Aspden Rebecca

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Epinephelus marginatus Picture: JG Harmelin


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