Tauchbeobachtungen an Plankton und an Echostreuschichten
Lenz, J.; Thiel, H. (1967). Tauchbeobachtungen an Plankton und an Echostreuschichten. Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 15(1-4): 534-547. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01618649
Kinne, O.; Aurich, H. (Ed.) (1967). Vorträge und Diskussionen. Erstes Europäisches Symposion über Meeresbiologie = Papers and discussions. First European Symposium on Marine Biology = Rapports et discussions. Premier symposium européen sur biologie marine. European Marine Biology Symposia, 1. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 15(1-4). 669 pp., more
Diving techniques are employed as a research tool in plankton investigations carried out in shallow water of the western Baltic Sea. Observations and samplings were made by skin divers on scattering layers corresponding to the discontinuity layers. Biogene materials, sometimes concentrated at the thermocline, are not responsible for this special kind of scattering, but rather discontinuity of salinity and temperature (Lenz 1965). For observations in deep water the use of undersea vehicles is recommended. From the Bathyscaph and the diving saucer, single plankton organisms and plankton concentrations were observed (e. g.Bernard 1958); investigations on the deep scattering layer have shown physonectid siphonophores and myctophids to be scatterers (Barham 1966). The equipment for sampling plankton and benthos from undersea vehicles is poorly developed. We need urgently gear for quantitative and qualitative sampling and for manifold use during single dives, i. e., multiple sampling gear and magazins for storage of samples.
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