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Les plus anciens Vertébrés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg : des Arthrodires Brachythoraci (Piacodermi ; Dévonien inférieur)
Blieck, A.; Lelièvre, H.; Delsate, D.; Godefroid, J. (1998). Les plus anciens Vertébrés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg : des Arthrodires Brachythoraci (Piacodermi ; Dévonien inférieur). C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. 2, Sci. terre planètes 327: 203-210.
In: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série IIA. Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes = Earth and Planetary Science. Gauthiers-Villars: Paris. ISSN 1251-8050; e-ISSN 1778-4107
Peer reviewed article  

Available in  Authors 
    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 249052 [ download pdf ]

    Geological time > Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Palaeozoic > Devonian > Devonian, Lower > Emsian
    Geological time > Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Palaeozoic > Devonian > Devonian, Lower > Pragian
    Geological time > Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Palaeozoic > Devonian > Devonian, Middle > Givetian
    Geological time > Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Palaeozoic > Devonian > Devonian, Upper > Famennian
    Bivalvia [WoRMS]; Brachiopoda [WoRMS]; Brachythoraci; Placodermi
    Belgium, Dour [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Esneux [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Liège; Belgium, Tournai; Europe, Luxemburg
Author keywords
    Dévonien, Emsien, Schistes de Wiltz , placodermes , Brachythoraci , Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Authors  Top 
  • Blieck, A.
  • Lelièvre, H.
  • Delsate, D.
  • Godefroid, J.

    Two dermal plates of the thoracic shield of brachythoracid arthrodires have been discovered in Emsian localities of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (GDL). They represent the first confirmed discovery of vertebrates in the Lower Devonian of the GDL, and thus become the oldest vertebrates of this country. They are also interesting by the fact that the occurrence of Brachythoraci in the Devonian of the Ardenne Allochthon has been, until now, very rare. The features of one of both plates fit rather well with the shape of the homologous plate of the Coccosteidae; this family is usually unreported in Lower Devonian rocks.

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Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)

Responsive Mode Programme (RMP) - Marie Nordstrom, copyright Aspden Rebecca

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