Harmonising data from heterogeneous sources to characterise small pelagic fish habitat in the Mediterranean Sea
Giannoulaki, M.; Iglesias, M.; Tugores, P.; Pyrounaki, M.-M.; Leonori, I.; Campanella, F.; Bonanno, A.; Patti, B.; Bigot, J.L.; Saraux, C.; De Felice, A.; Ticina, V.; Basilone, G.; Machias, A.; Somarakis, S.; Schismenou, E.; Siapatis, A.; Tserpes, G.; Cuttitta, A.; Valavanis, V.; Papadopoulou, N.; Nikolopoulou, M.; Cristina, M.; Martin, C.; Spedicato, M.T. (2013). Harmonising data from heterogeneous sources to characterise small pelagic fish habitat in the Mediterranean Sea. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2013(G:17). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 2 pp.
Part of: ICES CM Documents - ICES. ICES: Copenhagen. ISSN 1015-4744