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Seasonal fluctuations and production of nematode communities in the Belgian coastal zone of the North Sea
Vincx, M. (1988). Seasonal fluctuations and production of nematode communities in the Belgian coastal zone of the North Sea, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. pp. 100
In: Wouters, K.; Baert, L. (Ed.) (1988). Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. KBIN: Brussel. 106 pp.

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 238619 [ download pdf ]
Document type: Summary


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    Nematodes are the most abundant multicellular animals in marine sediments; they are also the only metazoans, which survive in heavily polluted areas. The seasonal fluctuations of the nematode community of a heavily polluted silty sand station along the Belgian east coast was examined based on the monthly samples during 1983-1985. The mean density of the total community varied between 55 ind./10 cm2 (Feb.1983) and 5610 ind./10 cm2 (Jun.1985). 32 species were found in this station; only four species have a frequency higher than 50 %. They are all non-selective deposit-feeders. Reproduction appeared to be continuous, although an increase in reproductive activity appeared in spring and autumn. The seasonal fluctuations of density, age structure and the yearly P/B were determined for Sabatieria punctata, Daptonema tenuispiculum, Ascolaimus sp.1 and for the whole community. The yearly P/B for S. punctata varies between 14.1 (1985) and 16.9 (1983); for D. tenuispiculum between 28.5 (1985) arid 31.9 (1983); for Ascolaimus sp.1 between 11.5 (1985) and 14.8 (1983) and for the whole community between 16.2 (1985) and 18.1 (1983). These are the first estimations of P/B ratios for nematode communities in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. From this, it appears that nematodes are a significant component in the energy flow of shallow water ecosystems.

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Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC)

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