Description The configuration of the adradial canals supplying the meridional canals partway along their length is the same canal structure as that observed in the Lampoctenidae Harbison et al., 2001, and Lobatolampeidae Horita, 2000. The lack of auricles and the transparent stomodaeum both serve to distinguish it from the Lampoctenidae, while the well-developed lobes, lack of cilia near the distal ends of the subtentacular comb rows, and the substomodaeal comb rows not ending blindly, all serve to distinguish it from the Lobatolampeidae. It seems as if a new family and genus will have to be erected to contain the present species. As in the Lampoctenidae, the lobes are often pursed together when feeding.Author Lindsay, DhugalJPG file - 1.22 MB - 1 530 x 1 700 pixels
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