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Rules and Guidelines
Version November 2005
As it became more and more clear some MarBEF activities have to be guided with clear rules, such as the participation in RMPs, the division of finances, or the endorsement of courses and workshops.
The following rules and guidelines are:
- Appendix 1: Guidelines for the endorsement of the organization of training courses, workshops and conferences by MarBEF
- Appendix 2: Guidelines for a long term strategy for training within MarBEF
- Appendix 3: Guidelines for the endorsement by MarBEF of participation in conferences, workshops, training courses, student exchanges and other activities
- Appendix 4: Guidelines for short-term sabbaticals within MarBEF
- Appendix 5: Guidelines for applicants to become associated MarBEF member
- Appendix 6: Rules for Acknowledgement of MarBEF in publications
- Appendix 7: Guidelines for allocation of funds
- Appendix 8: Rules for participation in Strategic Core Programme (SCP) and Responsive Mode Programme (RMP)
- Appendix 9: RMP Outreach Guidelines
Guidelines for the endorsement of the organization of training courses, workshops and conferences by MarBEF
(author Jens Harder; additions Herman Hummel)
The applicant for the endorsement of an event shall supply the general coordinator with written information on:
- title, time, location of the event
- objectives of the event
- relation with MarBEF objectives
- visibility of MarBEF at the event (outreach promotion)
- detailed request for financial support if any
The general coordinator shall consider:
- integrative effects of the event (additional [added value] to MarBEF internal activities)
- whether the MarBEF network of excellence can achieve the same objectives through internal events or through short-term sabbatical training stipends or other internal actions
- promotion of excellence
- visibility of MarBEF at the event (outreach promotion)
The general coordinator will decide on endorsement of the event and considers whether MarBEF will agree on:
- advertisement on the homepage www.MarBEF.org and via the MarBEF list-server
- participation of partners
- number of participants per partner (in general one person)
- coverage of travel and accommodation only (no fee coverage)
- coverage of fee (requires strong promotion of the objectives)
What applicants have to do:
- present a MarBEF poster (based on template provided by MarBEF) describing the objectives of the event in relation to MarBEF
- MarBEF sponsored participants/events will have to use the MarBEF logo on their presentations/posters
- report of partner on the event (within one month after event)
REMINDER to the applying partners:
- the general coordinator has to endorse the usage of MarBEF funds in written form before the event.
- send the application to: h.hummel@nioo.knaw.nl.
- reimbursement of costs should not include profits for third, or any, parties (as could be possible in case commercial courses are organized)
- for courses (partly) sponsored by MarBEF the minimum share of MarBEF participants should be equal to the proportion of the local organization costs covered by MarBEF
- courses that accept MarBEF funding are not allowed to charge participation fees for MarBEF participants
NOTE: In order to prevent too much of the budget being used for activities outside MarBEF, the following rules should be considered:
- in the first JPA (months 1-18) an institute may spend to endorsed (external) MarBEF activities only maximally 20% of its Travel and Subsistence budget, and only with written permission of the general coordinator.
Guidelines for a long term strategy for training within MarBEF
(Author: Jens Harder)
MarBEF welcomes courses at all knowledge levels. The integration across disciplines requires courses on basic knowledge that contain educational elements. The excellence of the network will be strengthened by training courses on research topics.
Training courses are an integral part of MarBEF. The long term strategy foresees annual calls for training courses in early spring, followed by enrolment of partners in the summer, recommendations by the executive committee (EC) and approval by the scientific steering committee (SSC), e.g. for training courses in 2006 the procedure is:
- February, 2005: Open call for training courses on www.MarBEF.org
Presentation of submitted courses on the net
- April 30, 2005: Closure of call
- May 1, 2005: Opening of enrolment by participants for courses
- August 30, 2005: Closure of enrolment
- September, 2005: EC and SSC meetings, decision on approval of courses
The call for training courses requires: the organizing MarBEF partner provides information on the scientific program, the lecturers and on the financial aspects (fee, costs of local subsistence).
The enrolment for a course implies that the costs for the participation (fee, travel and subsistence) will be supplied by the budget of the MarBEF partner.
Depending on the availability of funds, the general coordinator will support training courses by sponsoring the participation of scientists from newly associated states in the European community that are not present in MarBEF (notes SSC and EC meeting London 2004).
For the applications the 'Guidelines for the endorsement of (the organization of) training courses, workshops and conferences by MarBEF' (appendix 1) can be used.
Guidelines for the endorsement by MarBEF of participation in conferences, workshops, training courses, student exchanges and other activities
(authors: Jens Harder and Herman Hummel)
The applicant for the endorsement shall supply the general coordinator with written information on:
- title, time, location of the event
- objectives of the event
- relation with MarBEF objectives
- visibility of MarBEF at the event (outreach promotion)
- detailed request for financial support if any
The general coordinator shall consider:
- integrative effects of the event (additional [added value] to MarBEF internal activities)
- whether the MarBEF network of excellence can achieve the same objectives through internal events or through short-term sabbatical training stipends or other internal actions
- promotion of excellence
- visibility of MarBEF at the event (outreach promotion)
The general coordinator will consider endorsement of the event and will decide on supporting:
- participation of partners
- coverage of travel and accommodation only (no fee coverage)
- coverage of fee (requires strong promotion of the objectives)
What applicants have to do:
- MarBEF sponsored participants will have to use the MarBEF logo on their presentations/posters
- report of participant on the event (within one month after event)
REMINDER to the applicants:
- the general coordinator has to endorse the usage of MarBEF funds in written form before the event.
- Send the application to: h.hummel@nioo.knaw.nl .
NOTE: In order to prevent too much of the budget being used for activities outside MarBEF, the following rules should be considered:
- in the first JPA (months 1-18) an institute may spend to endorsed (external) MarBEF activities only maximally 20 % of its Travel and Subsistence budget, and only with written permission of the GC
Guidelines for short-term sabbaticals within MarBEF
(Author: Jens Harder)
We recognise that direct personal training, debate and discussion is vital for the progress of science, as well as for the communication of research results to the user communities. In order to support this we will establish a system of short-term sabbaticals ranging in duration from two weeks to three months.
Rules for short-term sabbaticals:
- range from two weeks to three months
- contribute to deliverables in core strategic and responsive mode research programs
- eligible costs for the traveling scientist through the travel and subsistence budget of the MarBEF partner are: maximum travel costs and 500 ?/month subsistence
- eligible costs for the host institute through the travel and subsistence budget of the MarBEF partner: maximum 500 ?/month bench fee for use of institute resources
- are alternatively financed as actions within responsive mode research programs applying the aforementioned rules (specific research may require higher consumable costs)
- need the approval of the responsible person of the MarBEF partner and
- either the RMP research program leader (within RMP)
- or the general coordinator (if financed via T&S budget)
For applications the 'Guidelines for the endorsement by MarBEF of participation in conferences, workshops, training courses, student exchanges and other activities' (appendix 3) can be used.
Guidelines for applicants to become associated MarBEF member
(Author: Herman Hummel)
The MarBEF network of Excellence on 'Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning' is reviewing the list of applicants that expressed their wish to become a MarBEF member.
During the last meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and Executive Committee (EC) in London (September 2004) it was decided after advice from the European Commission that full membership of MarBEF is closed, but new candidate institutes can become Associated Members.
The Associated Members have the right to participate in all MarBEF activities but as a rule do not receive support from the MarBEF budget, as the available funds have already been allocated to the present full members. Financial support may be made available from full members, e.g. to attend workshops or to join a Responsive Mode Project, and from the central budget, e.g. to attend workshops and conferences. Decisions on support will be made on request on a case to case basis.
Besides allowing participation in the MarBEF activities, associate membership should also be considered as a recognition of scientific status and may help in getting additional national funding. For this reason requests for associate membership must be based on an appraisal of the qualities of the applying institute. Attached you will find a questionnaire which will allow the SSC to decide on associated membership.
To become an associated member of MarBEF please fill in the questionnaire and send it back to the scientific executive secretary Herman Hummel (h.hummel@nioo.knaw.nl)
The candidate Associated Member should show:
- their general expertise
- their excellence in marine biodiversity studies
- their publication record of the last 5 years, and the partition relevant to MarBEF
- the size of the institute and relevant departments
- the relevant facilities available
- their role in their country and in Europe
Selection criteria are:
- the expertise the new member will bring in
- the excellence (in marine biodiversity issues) of the applicant
- the role the new member can fulfill
- the unique role of the new member in their country and in Europe
The received questionnaires will be evaluated by members of the Executive Committee (EC) and the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC).
A first call was finalized in the month December 2004. The deadline of the second call was passed in January 2005.
Questionnaire to become Associated MarBEF member
Name and address of the institute (incl. phone, fax, webpage)
Responsible contact person (and contact details, phone)
What is the size of your institute and relevant departments?
What is the general expertise at the institute?
Indicate your (institute's) excellence in marine biodiversity studies
What is the role of the institute in marine biodiversity issues in your country and in Europe?
What are the (for studies on marine biodiversity and ecosystem function) relevant facilities available
Rules for Acknowledgement of MarBEF in publications
(Author: Herman Hummel)
The MarBEF Publications Series (MPS) will be published on the website at the MPS section.
This list will be an important performance indicator of the periodic reviews.
Send to the Management Office your papers and reports (pdf format and hardcopy) that have been or will be published, and that are directly (deliverable; output of endorsed activity) or indirectly (of relevance to) linked to MarBEF.
Regular mail:
MarBEF Management Office, NIOO, P.O. Box 140, 4400AC Yerseke
The publications will be numbered in order of publication date (starting with those that have been published in 2004). A publication number for the MarBEF Publication Series can be requested once a manuscript has been accepted for publication from the Data Management Office.
The MarBEF EC and SSC have developed guidelines to acknowledge MarBEF in publications
Depending on the type of acknowledgement, and the degree of involvement of MarBEF, you can choose from the following variants:
- The project has been carried out in the framework of the MarBEF Network of Excellence 'Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning' which is funded by the Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Programme of the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme (contract no. GOCE-CT-2003-505446). This publication is contribution number X of MarBEF.
- The authors acknowledge the support by the MarBEF Network of Excellence 'Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning' which is funded by the Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Programme of the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme (contract no. GOCE-CT-2003-505446). This publication is contribution number X of MarBEF.
- The project has received funding from the MarBEF Network of Excellence 'Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning' which is carried out by the Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems Programme of the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme (contract no. GOCE-CT-2003-505446). This publication is contribution number X of MarBEF.
Guidelines on allocation of funds
(author: Herman Hummel)
Table overview
In the first 18 months each partner's share is at least 23,750 ?.
- This money should primarily be used for travel and subsistence connected to the (agreed or endorsed) MarBEF activities, and must cover audit costs (500 ? per partner).
- It is allowed to use 500 ? for local outreach activities (in consultation with WP8 leader, Ecoserve) and for those who participate on the Theme 1 and Theme 3 publications it is allowed to book max. 1000 ? for data-mining / archaeology to bring data into the MarBEF data systems (only if approved by the WP1 or WP5 leader, and the GC).
- The money can not be used for personnel, equipment, consumables etc.
- In case the money is not fully used the remainder will be pooled for redistribution by the SSC on activities in the next 3.5 years.
For the other activities, falling within the next 3.5 years, the partner's share is on an average 91,444-23,750 = 67,694 ?.
The SSC decided that individual partners set aside:
- 2,000 ? for the financial audit (4 times 500 ?)
- 17,000 ? for general activities (within the next 3.5 years) of the network (travel and subsistence, local organization of events, training courses, etc.) and for attending GA meetings
- 40,000 ? to support (within the next 3.5 years) the partner's scientific contribution to responsive mode proposals (RMP)
- 8,694 ? (for the total of 5 years) for input into programme key actions, events and courses (i.e. infrastructural and integrative activities in the CSP). Based on the experience of the first months, and the commitments made, a major part of this share will be used for training courses and key actions other than projects.
After the fist JPA, i.e. the first 18 months, the SSC has decided to split the budget in two main categories:
- budget within RMPs (max 40 k?, in some cases allowed for 42.5 k?): - allowable costs are Travel, Subsistence, Fees, Personnel, Consumables. Expenses can be made when described in (according to) the agreed RMP plan and with permission of (in agreement with) the RMP leader
- budget outside RMPs (CSP, training courses, GA, etc...) : - allowable costs are Travel, Subsistence, Fees. Other costs (as personnel or consumables) are NOT allowed, UNLESS in very specific cases, as e.g. for organizational costs for workshops, PERMISSION has been obtained ON BEFOREHAND from the General Coordinator. For detailed information see the website (rules & guidelines).
- Costs of travel can be booked for maximally 2 persons per event with a maximum of 1500 Euro. In case of high relevancy for MarBEF it is possible to request for dispensation from the standard rule in order to increase the number of participants
- Budgets can be reallocated in case of default, e.g. when a member does not attend 2 or more essential activities per year, and in case the SSC decides as such by majority.
Rules for participation in Strategic Core Programme (SCP) and Responsive Mode Programme (RMP)
- Money for participation in a SCP or a RMP can be allocated to different costs items (such as post-docs, PhD students, travel, consumables, workshop, invitation of external experts), yet expenditures have to serve primarily the integration, and thereby equipment is mostly a non-eligible costing.
- Each partner institute has access to 1 budget unit of 32,000 ?, and part of the budget unit of 26,700 ?.
- Therefore, each Party can allocate in the first call (deadline 15 August 2004) maximally 40,000 ? to be used in SCP and RMP proposals (you are thus allowed to allocate the 32,000 ?, and also already 8,000 ?; of the 26,700 ?; share, to one or several projects)
- This can be divided over more than one project
- After an unsuccessful project submission there is a chance for a group to join other funded projects (in the first or a second call).
- Projects do not have to be within one theme but can cross themes
- The SCP and RMP project leaders have to discuss with the partners the financial input and come to a formal agreement on how the funds will be spent
- Once a project has been selected and approved the Parties can not withdraw freely from the project.
- If you cannot justify your expenditure or if funds remain, the money shall be put back in the general pool for redistribution by the SSC.
Although the number of proposals that you may support has no formal limit, the number of funded proposals will of course be limited. One consequence of joint projects is that post-docs or PhD students will have to be jointly sponsored by different participants which requires a clear agreement on their labour conditions and supervision.
After the fist JPA, i.e. the first 18 months, the SSC has decided to split the budget in two main categories:
- budget within RMPs (max 40 k?, in some cases allowed for 42.5 k?): - allowable costs are Travel, Subsistence, Fees, Personnel, Consumables. Expenses can be made when described in (according to) the agreed RMP plan and with permission of (in agreement with) the RMP leader
- budget outside RMPs (CSP, training courses, GA, etc...) : - allowable costs are Travel, Subsistence, Fees. Other costs (as personnel or consumables) are NOT allowed, UNLESS in very specific cases, as e.g. for organizational costs for workshops, PERMISSION has been obtained ON BEFOREHAND from the General Coordinator. For detailed information see the website (rules & guidelines).
Go to Frequently Asked Questions for more details on the Responsive Mode Projects.
RMP Outreach Guidelines
- Identify one contact within the RMP who will act as a media/outreach liason. This will involve feeding information from the project to the Communications and Outreach Officer as and when necessary and handling media enquiries or providing information for media relations should the need arise
- All RMP participants to fill out attached form identifying areas of expertise and email to Communications and Outreach Officer
- Identify target audiences for outreach. Progress and outcome of the project should be published to the scientific public, the public at large, the media, stakeholders and end-users (communication with Theme 3), where appropriate.
For example, is the project to have any likely implications for or be of interest to:
- industry e.g. fisheries, aquaculture
- decision makers/environmental managers
- of marine resources
- Identify your key messages and make format appropriate for target audience-liase with Communications and Outreach Officer
- Identify target media appropriate to your outreach; this will depend very much on the audience e.g. MarBEF newsletter, website, symposium session for scientific community, trade magazines for industry, distribution of news releases through Press Office for media etc
- Identify timeframe (deadlines) and budget for outreach activities
- Identify other RMPs where outreach activities or material could overlap
- Draft list of minimum outreach activities/contributions for the lifespan of the project e.g.
- 2 articles for the MarBEF newsletter
- One page or 'topic note' on the outreach website
- Publicity material on project? Posters? Flyers?
- Supply of images and other media where possible for outreach site and for events e.g. MarBEF roadshow
- Individual Communications/Media contacts within each RMP will be responsible for writing their own releases; the outreach officer can be contacted for editorial assistance where necessary. The MarBEF Press Office will distribute press releases Europe-wide through Alpha Galileo and where necessary internationally through EurekAlert!
- Name:
- Affiliation:
- Institution:
- Mailing address:
- Phone:
- Fax:
- Mobile:
- Website (if applicable):
- Languages spoken:
- Field of expertise:
- Are you interested in being a media/outreach contact point for your area(s) of expertise? Y/N
Do you want this information to be publicly available? Y/N
Suggested areas of expertise (please feel free to add others not on the list):
Baltic Sea
Barents Sea
Benthic Ecology
Black Sea
Chemical ecology
Climate change
Coastal Ecosystems
Coastal Zone Management
Cold Coral Reefs
Cold Seep
Committee Communications
Data management
Deep-Sea Ecosystems
Ecosystem Functioning
Food webs
Gear Technology
Historical Perspective
Hydrothermal Vents
Invasive Species
Marine Biodiversity
Marine Mammals
Maritime History
Media relations
Mediterranean Sea
Mesopelagic Organism
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Near Shore Ecology
North Sea
Norwegian Sea
Pelagic Ecosystems
Protected Areas
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
Resource management
Sea Ice
South Atlantic
Tagging and Tracking Methods
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